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diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,770 +1,728 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the FivePionCurrent class.
#include "FivePionCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
FivePionCurrent::FivePionCurrent() {
// set the number of modes
// masses of the intermediates
_rhomass = 776*MeV;
_a1mass = 1260*MeV;
_omegamass = 782*MeV;
_sigmamass = 800*MeV;
// widths of the intermediates
_rhowidth = 150*MeV;
_a1width = 400*MeV;
_omegawidth = 8.5*MeV;
_sigmawidth = 600*MeV;
// use local values of the resonance parameters
// include the rho Breit-Wigners in omega decay
_rhoomega = true;
// Normalisation parameters for the different currents
_c =4.*GeV2;
// various meson coupling constants
_presigma = ZERO;
_preomega = ZERO;
inline void FivePionCurrent::doinit() {
- WeakDecayCurrent::doinit();
+ WeakCurrent::doinit();
if(!_localparameters) {
_rhomass = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhominus)->mass();
_rhowidth = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhominus)->width();
_omegamass = getParticleData(ParticleID::omega)->mass();
_omegawidth = getParticleData(ParticleID::omega)->width();
_sigmamass = getParticleData(9000221)->mass();
_sigmawidth = getParticleData(9000221)->width();
_a1mass = getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus)->mass();
_a1width = getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus)->width();
// prefactors
_presigma = _c/sqr(sqr(_a1mass)*_sigmamass*_rhomass)*_faaf*_ffpipi*
_preomega = _c0*_fomegarhopi*sqr(_grhopipi/(sqr(_rhomass)*_omegamass));
void FivePionCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
static const InvEnergy7 InvGeV7 = pow<-7,1>(GeV);
static const InvEnergy3 InvGeV3 = pow<-3,1>(GeV);
os << ounit(_rhomass,GeV) << ounit(_a1mass,GeV) << ounit(_omegamass,GeV)
<< ounit(_sigmamass,GeV) << ounit(_rhowidth,GeV)
<< ounit(_a1width,GeV) << ounit(_omegawidth,GeV) << ounit(_sigmawidth,GeV)
<< _localparameters << ounit(_c,GeV2) << _c0
<< ounit(_fomegarhopi,1/GeV) << _grhopipi << ounit(_garhopi,GeV)
<< ounit(_faaf,GeV) << ounit(_ffpipi,GeV)
<< ounit(_preomega,InvGeV7) << ounit(_presigma,InvGeV3) << _rhoomega;
void FivePionCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
static const InvEnergy7 InvGeV7 = pow<-7,1>(GeV);
static const InvEnergy3 InvGeV3 = pow<-3,1>(GeV);
is >> iunit(_rhomass,GeV) >> iunit(_a1mass,GeV) >> iunit(_omegamass,GeV)
>> iunit(_sigmamass,GeV) >> iunit(_rhowidth,GeV)
>> iunit(_a1width,GeV) >> iunit(_omegawidth,GeV) >> iunit(_sigmawidth,GeV)
>> _localparameters >> iunit(_c,GeV2) >> _c0
>> iunit(_fomegarhopi,1/GeV) >> _grhopipi >> iunit(_garhopi,GeV)
>> iunit(_faaf,GeV) >> iunit(_ffpipi,GeV)
>> iunit(_preomega,InvGeV7) >> iunit(_presigma,InvGeV3) >> _rhoomega;
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigFivePionCurrent("Herwig::FivePionCurrent", "");
void FivePionCurrent::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<FivePionCurrent> documentation
("The FivePionCurrent class implements the model of hep-ph/0602162",
"The model of \\cite{Kuhn:2006nw} was used for the hadronic five pion current.",
"\\bibitem{Kuhn:2006nw} J.~H.~Kuhn and Z.~Was, hep-ph/0602162, (2006).");
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoMass
"The mass of the rho meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_rhomass, MeV, 776*MeV, 500*MeV, 1000*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Mass
"The mass of the a_1 meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_a1mass, MeV, 1260*MeV, 1000*MeV, 1500*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceOmegaMass
"The mass of the omega meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_omegamass, MeV, 782*MeV, 600*MeV, 900*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceSigmaMass
"The mass of the sigma meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_sigmamass, MeV, 800*MeV, 400*MeV, 1200*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoWidth
"The width of the rho meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_rhowidth, MeV, 150*MeV, 100*MeV, 300*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Width
"The width of the a_1 meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_a1width, MeV, 400*MeV, 100*MeV, 800*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceOmegaWidth
"The width of the omega meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_omegawidth, MeV, 8.5*MeV, 1.0*MeV, 20.0*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceSigmaWidth
"The width of the sigma meson",
&FivePionCurrent::_sigmawidth, MeV, 600*MeV, 100*MeV, 1200*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<FivePionCurrent,bool> interfaceLocalParameters
"Use local values of the meson masses and widths or those from the"
" ParticleData objects.",
&FivePionCurrent::_localparameters, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLocalParametersLocal
"Use local values",
static SwitchOption interfaceLocalParametersParticleData
"Use values from the particle data objects",
static Switch<FivePionCurrent,bool> interfaceRhoOmega
"Option for the treatment of the rho Breit-Wigners in the omega decay",
&FivePionCurrent::_rhoomega, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceRhoOmegaInclude
"Include the rho Breit-Wigners",
static SwitchOption interfaceRhoOmegaOmit
"Don't include the rho Breit-Wigners",
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy2> interfaceC
"The normalisation parameter for the a_1 sigma current",
&FivePionCurrent::_c, GeV2, 4.0*GeV2, 0.1*GeV2, 20.0*GeV2,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,double> interfaceC0
"The normalisation constant for the omega-rho current",
&FivePionCurrent::_c0, 3., 0.1, 10.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,InvEnergy> interfacegomegarhopi
"The coupling of omega-rho-pi",
&FivePionCurrent::_fomegarhopi, 1./MeV, 0.07/MeV, 0.01/MeV, 0.2/MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,double> interfacegrhopipi
"The coupling for rho-pi-pi",
&FivePionCurrent::_grhopipi, 6.0, 1.0, 20.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfacegarhopi
"The coupling of a-rho-pi",
&FivePionCurrent::_garhopi, GeV, 6.0*GeV, 0.1*GeV, 20.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfacefaaf
"The coupling of a-a-f",
&FivePionCurrent::_faaf, GeV, 4.0*GeV, 0.1*GeV, 20.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FivePionCurrent,Energy> interfaceffpipi
"The coupling of f-pi-pi",
&FivePionCurrent::_ffpipi, GeV, 5.0*GeV, 0.1*GeV, 20.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
bool FivePionCurrent::accept(vector<int> id) {
bool allowed(false);
// check five products
if(id.size()!=5){return false;}
int npiminus=0,npiplus=0,npi0=0;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<id.size();++ix) {
if(id[ix]==ParticleID:: piplus){++npiplus;}
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piminus){++npiminus;}
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::pi0){++npi0;}
if(npiplus>npiminus) swap(npiplus,npiminus);
if( npiminus==3&&npiplus==2&&npi0==0) allowed=true;
else if(npiminus==2&&npiplus==1&&npi0==2) allowed=true;
else if(npiminus==1&&npiplus==0&&npi0==4) allowed=true;
return allowed;
-bool FivePionCurrent::createMode(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
- DecayPhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
+bool FivePionCurrent::createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,unsigned int ires,
- DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr phase,Energy upp) {
+ PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp ) {
// check the charge
if(abs(icharge)!=3) return false;
+ // check the total isospin
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown) {
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne) return false;
+ }
+ // check I_3
+ if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
+ switch(i3) {
+ case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3One:
+ if(icharge ==-3) return false;
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
+ if(icharge ==3) return false;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
// check that the modes are kinematical allowed
Energy min(ZERO);
// 3 pi- 2pi+
if(imode==0) {
// 2pi- pi+ 2pi0
else if(imode==1) {
// pi- 4pi0
else {
min= getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus)->mass()
if(min>upp) return false;
// intermediates for the channels
tPDPtr omega(getParticleData(ParticleID::omega)),rhop,rhom,
if(icharge==3) {
rhop = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhominus);
rhom = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus);
a1m = getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1plus);
else {
rhop = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus);
rhom = getParticleData(ParticleID::rhominus);
a1m = getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus);
- DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr newchannel;
+ if(resonance && resonance !=a1m) return false;
// all charged mode
if(imode==0) {
if(sigma) {
// 1st two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3,rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 2nd two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3,rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 3rd two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3,rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 4th two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+4));
// 5th two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+4));
// 6th two a_1 sigma channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma ,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1,a1m ,ires+3, rho0 ,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+4));
// 2 neutral mode
else if(imode==1) {
// first three omega channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhop ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+3,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+2));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhop,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
// second three omega channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhop ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+3,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhop,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+3));
// third three omega channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhop ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+2));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhop,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+5));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+5));
// fourth three omega channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhop ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(omega ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- // first two sigma a_1 channels
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhop,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+5));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, rhom,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3,
+ ires+1,omega,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+5));
if(sigma) {
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ // first two sigma a_1 channels
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+3,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+5));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+3));
// second two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+4,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+3,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+5));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+4,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
// third two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+3);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+2, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rho0 ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+4));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1,sigma,ires+2,iloc+3,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rho0,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+2));
// 4 neutral mode
else {
if(sigma) {
// 1st two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- // 2nd two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ // // 2nd two sigma a_1 channels
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+1,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 3rd two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+2,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+2,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 4th two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+1, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+5,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 5th two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc );
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+1,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+4,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+1,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+3));
// 6th two sigma a_1 channels
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+3);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+4, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
- newchannel=new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceChannel(*phase));
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-1,-ires-2);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(sigma ,0,0.0, iloc , iloc+1);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(a1m ,0,0.0,-ires-3, iloc+4);
- newchannel->addIntermediate(rhom ,0,0.0, iloc+3, iloc+2);
- mode->addChannel(newchannel);
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+4,
+ ires+4,iloc+5,ires+4,iloc+3));
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1m,
+ ires+1, sigma,ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+2,
+ ires+1, a1m,ires+3, rhom,ires+3,iloc+5,
+ ires+4,iloc+4,ires+4,iloc+3));
// reset the parameters of the resonances if using local values
if(_localparameters) {
if(sigma) mode->resetIntermediate(sigma,_sigmamass,_sigmawidth);
// return if successful
return true;
// the particles produced by the current
tPDVector FivePionCurrent::particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode,int,int) {
// particle data objects for the pions
tPDPtr piplus (getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus ));
tPDPtr pi0 (getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0 ));
tPDPtr piminus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus));
if(icharge==3) swap(piplus,piminus);
tPDVector output(5);
// all charged
if(imode==0) {
// two neutral
else if(imode==1) {
// four neutral
else {
return output;
// the decay mode
unsigned int FivePionCurrent::decayMode(vector<int> idout) {
unsigned int npi(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<idout.size();++ix) {
if(abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::pi0) ++npi;
return npi/2;
// output the information for the database
void FivePionCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,bool create) const {
if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
if(create) output << "create Herwig::FivePionCurrent " << name()
<< "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoMass " << _rhomass/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Mass " << _a1mass/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":SigmaMass " << _sigmamass/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaMass " << _omegamass/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoWidth " << _rhowidth/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Width " << _a1width/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":SigmaWidth " << _sigmawidth/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaWidth " << _omegawidth/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":LocalParameters " << _localparameters << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoOmega " << _rhoomega << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":C " << _c/GeV2 << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":C0 " << _c0 << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":fomegarhopi " <<_fomegarhopi*MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":grhopipi " <<_grhopipi << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":garhopi " << _garhopi/GeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":faaf " <<_faaf/GeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":ffpipi " << _ffpipi/GeV << "\n";
- WeakDecayCurrent::dataBaseOutput(output,false,false);
+ WeakCurrent::dataBaseOutput(output,false,false);
if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\"" << fullName() << "\";\n";
+void FivePionCurrent::constructSpinInfo(ParticleVector decay) const {
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<decay.size();++ix)
+ ScalarWaveFunction::constructSpinInfo(decay[ix],outgoing,true);
-FivePionCurrent::current(const int imode,const int ichan,
- Energy & scale,const ParticleVector & decay,
- DecayIntegrator::MEOption meopt) const {
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ const int imode, const int ichan,Energy & scale,
+ const tPDVector & outgoing,
+ const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
+ DecayIntegrator2::MEOption) const {
+ // check the isospin
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown && Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne)
+ return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ int icharge = outgoing[0]->iCharge()+outgoing[1]->iCharge();
+ // check I_3
+ if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
+ switch(i3) {
+ case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
+ return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3One:
+ if(icharge ==-3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
+ if(icharge ==3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ default:
+ return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ }
+ }
- if(meopt==DecayIntegrator::Terminate) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<5;++ix)
- ScalarWaveFunction::constructSpinInfo(decay[ix],outgoing,true);
- return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,LorentzPolarizationVectorE());
- }
LorentzVector<complex<InvEnergy2> > output;
- Lorentz5Momentum q1(decay[0]->momentum());
- Lorentz5Momentum q2(decay[1]->momentum());
- Lorentz5Momentum q3(decay[2]->momentum());
- Lorentz5Momentum q4(decay[3]->momentum());
- Lorentz5Momentum q5(decay[4]->momentum());
+ Lorentz5Momentum q1(momenta[0]);
+ Lorentz5Momentum q2(momenta[1]);
+ Lorentz5Momentum q3(momenta[2]);
+ Lorentz5Momentum q4(momenta[3]);
+ Lorentz5Momentum q5(momenta[4]);
// total momentum
Lorentz5Momentum Q(q1+q2+q3+q4+q5);
// decide which decay mode
if(imode==0) {
if(ichan<0) {
else if(ichan==0 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==1 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==2 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q5,q2,q3,q4,q1);
else if(ichan==3 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q5,q2,q3,q4,q1);
else if(ichan==4 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q5,q3,q4,q2);
else if(ichan==5 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q5,q3,q4,q2);
else if(ichan==6 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q2,q4,q3,q5);
else if(ichan==7 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q2,q4,q3,q5);
else if(ichan==8 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q5,q2,q4,q3,q1);
else if(ichan==9 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q5,q2,q4,q3,q1);
else if(ichan==10) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q5,q4,q3,q2);
else if(ichan==11) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q5,q4,q3,q2);
// identical particle symmetry factor
else if(imode==1) {
if(ichan<0) {
else if(ichan==0 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(3,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==1 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==2 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==3 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(3,Q,q1,q4,q3,q2,q5);
else if(ichan==4 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q4,q3,q2,q5);
else if(ichan==5 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q4,q3,q2,q5);
else if(ichan==6 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(3,Q,q1,q2,q5,q4,q3);
else if(ichan==7 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q2,q5,q4,q3);
else if(ichan==8 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q2,q5,q4,q3);
else if(ichan==9 ) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(3,Q,q1,q4,q5,q2,q3);
else if(ichan==10) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q4,q5,q2,q3);
else if(ichan==11) output=rhoOmegaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q4,q5,q2,q3);
else if(ichan==12) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q3,q5,q4,q1,q2);
else if(ichan==13) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q3,q5,q4,q1,q2);
else if(ichan==14) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q3,q5,q2,q1,q4);
else if(ichan==15) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q3,q5,q2,q1,q4);
else if(ichan==16) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q2,q4,q1,q3,q5);
else if(ichan==17) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q2,q4,q1,q3,q5);
// identical particle symmetry factor
else if(imode==2) {
if(ichan<0) {
else if(ichan==0 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==1 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);
else if(ichan==2 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q5,q2,q3,q4,q1);
else if(ichan==3 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q5,q2,q3,q4,q1);
else if(ichan==4 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q2,q4,q3,q1,q5);
else if(ichan==5 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q2,q4,q3,q1,q5);
else if(ichan==6 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q4,q3,q2,q5);
else if(ichan==7 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q4,q3,q2,q5);
else if(ichan==8 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q1,q5,q3,q4,q2);
else if(ichan==9 ) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q1,q5,q3,q4,q2);
else if(ichan==10) output=a1SigmaCurrent(2,Q,q4,q5,q3,q1,q2);
else if(ichan==11) output=a1SigmaCurrent(1,Q,q4,q5,q3,q1,q2);
// identical particle symmetry factor
else {
throw DecayIntegratorError() << "Unknown decay mode in the "
<< "FivePionCurrent::"
<< "hadronCurrent()" << Exception::abortnow;
// normalise and return the current
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1, output * pow<3,1>(scale));
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/FivePionCurrent.h b/Decay/WeakCurrents/FivePionCurrent.h
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/FivePionCurrent.h
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/FivePionCurrent.h
@@ -1,408 +1,428 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// FivePionCurrent.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_FivePionCurrent_H
#define HERWIG_FivePionCurrent_H
// This is the declaration of the FivePionCurrent class.
-#include "WeakDecayCurrent.h"
+#include "WeakCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/epsilon.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the FivePionCurrent class.
* @see \ref FivePionCurrentInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for FivePionCurrent.
-class FivePionCurrent: public WeakDecayCurrent {
+class FivePionCurrent: public WeakCurrent {
* The default constructor.
/** @name Methods for the construction of the phase space integrator. */
* Complete the construction of the decay mode for integration.classes inheriting
* from this one.
- * @param icharge The total charge of the outgoing particles in the current.
- * @param imode The mode in the current being asked for.
- * @param mode The phase space mode for the integration
- * @param iloc The location of the of the first particle from the current in
- * the list of outgoing particles.
- * @param ires The location of the first intermediate for the current.
- * @param phase The prototype phase space channel for the integration.
- * @param upp The maximum possible mass the particles in the current are
- * allowed to have.
+ * This method is purely virtual and must be implemented in the classes inheriting
+ * from WeakCurrent.
+ * @param icharge The total charge of the outgoing particles in the current.
+ * @param resonance If specified only include terms with this particle
+ * @param Itotal If specified the total isospin of the current
+ * @param I3 If specified the thrid component of isospin
+ * @param imode The mode in the current being asked for.
+ * @param mode The phase space mode for the integration
+ * @param iloc The location of the of the first particle from the current in
+ * the list of outgoing particles.
+ * @param ires The location of the first intermediate for the current.
+ * @param phase The prototype phase space channel for the integration.
+ * @param upp The maximum possible mass the particles in the current are
+ * allowed to have.
* @return Whether the current was sucessfully constructed.
- virtual bool createMode(int icharge,unsigned int imode,DecayPhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
+ virtual bool createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,unsigned int ires,
- DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr phase,Energy upp);
+ PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp );
* The particles produced by the current.
* @param icharge The total charge of the particles in the current.
* @param imode The mode for which the particles are being requested
* @param iq The PDG code for the quark
* @param ia The PDG code for the antiquark
* @return The external particles for the current.
virtual tPDVector particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode, int iq, int ia);
* Hadronic current. This method is purely virtual and must be implemented in
* all classes inheriting from this one.
+ * @param resonance If specified only include terms with this particle
+ * @param Itotal If specified the total isospin of the current
+ * @param I3 If specified the thrid component of isospin
* @param imode The mode
* @param ichan The phase-space channel the current is needed for.
* @param scale The invariant mass of the particles in the current.
- * @param decay The decay products
+ * @param outgoing The particles produced in the decay
+ * @param momenta The momenta of the particles produced in the decay
* @param meopt Option for the calculation of the matrix element
* @return The current.
- virtual vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>
- current(const int imode,const int ichan,Energy & scale,
- const ParticleVector & decay, DecayIntegrator::MEOption meopt) const;
+ virtual vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>
+ current(tcPDPtr resonance,
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ const int imode, const int ichan,Energy & scale,
+ const tPDVector & outgoing,
+ const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
+ DecayIntegrator2::MEOption meopt) const;
+ /**
+ * Construct the SpinInfo for the decay products
+ */
+ void constructSpinInfo(ParticleVector decay) const;
* Accept the decay.
* @param id The id's of the particles in the current.
* @return Can this current have the external particles specified.
virtual bool accept(vector<int> id);
* Return the decay mode number for a given set of particles in the current.
* @param id The id's of the particles in the current.
* @return The number of the mode
virtual unsigned int decayMode(vector<int> id);
* Output the setup information for the particle database
* @param os The stream to output the information to
* @param header Whether or not to output the information for MySQL
* @param create Whether or not to add a statement creating the object
virtual void dataBaseOutput(ofstream & os,bool header,bool create) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Methods to calculate the Breit-Wigner distributions for the various
* mesons.
* Breit-Wigner for the \f$\rho\f$.
* @param scale The virtual mass
Complex rhoBreitWigner(Energy2 scale) const {
Energy2 m2=sqr(_rhomass);
return m2/(m2-scale-Complex(0.,1.)*_rhomass*_rhowidth);
* Breit-Wigner for the \f$a_1\f$.
* @param scale The virtual mass
Complex a1BreitWigner(Energy2 scale) const {
Energy2 m2=sqr(_a1mass);
return m2/(m2-scale-Complex(0.,1.)*_a1mass*_a1width);
* Breit-Wigner for the \f$\omega\f$.
* @param scale The virtual mass
Complex omegaBreitWigner(Energy2 scale) const {
Energy2 m2=sqr(_omegamass);
return m2/(m2-scale-Complex(0.,1.)*_omegamass*_omegawidth);
* Breit-Wigner for the \f$\sigma\f$.
* @param scale The virtual mass
Complex sigmaBreitWigner(Energy2 scale) const {
Energy2 m2=sqr(_sigmamass);
return m2/(m2-scale-Complex(0.,1.)*_sigmamass*_sigmawidth);
* Currents for the different channels
* The \f$\rho\omega\f$ current
* @param iopt Option for the inclusion of \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner terms in the
* \f$\omega\f$ decay piece
* @param Q The total momentum for the current
* @param q1 The first momentum
* @param q2 The first momentum
* @param q3 The first momentum
* @param q4 The first momentum
* @param q5 The first momentum
LorentzVector<complex<InvEnergy2> >
rhoOmegaCurrent(unsigned int iopt,
const Lorentz5Momentum & Q,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q1,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q2,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q3,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q4,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q5) const {
// prefactor
complex<InvEnergy7> pre(_preomega*a1BreitWigner(Q.m2())*
// omega piece
Complex omega(-1.);
if(_rhoomega) {
if(iopt==1) omega=rhoBreitWigner((q2+q3).m2());
else if(iopt==2) omega=rhoBreitWigner((q1+q3).m2());
else if(iopt==3) omega=rhoBreitWigner((q1+q2).m2());
LorentzVector<complex<Energy3> > omegacurrent(Helicity::epsilon(q1,q2,q3));
LorentzVector<complex<InvEnergy2> > output =
pre * omega * Helicity::epsilon(q4-q5,omegacurrent,Q);
return output;
* The \f$a_1\sigma\f$ current
* @param iopt Option for the inclusion of \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner terms in the
* \f$a_1\f$ decay piece
* @param Q The total momentum for the current
* @param q1 The first momentum
* @param q2 The first momentum
* @param q3 The first momentum
* @param q4 The first momentum
* @param q5 The first momentum
LorentzVector<complex<InvEnergy2> >
a1SigmaCurrent(unsigned int iopt,
const Lorentz5Momentum & Q,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q1,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q2,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q3,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q4,
const Lorentz5Momentum & q5) const {
Lorentz5Momentum pa1(q1+q2+q3);pa1.rescaleMass();
Energy2 ma12(pa1.m2());
complex<InvEnergy3> pre(_presigma*a1BreitWigner(Q.m2())*a1BreitWigner(ma12)*
Energy2 pdot[2]={q2*(q1-q3),q1*(q2-q3)};
LorentzPolarizationVectorE rho[2] =
LorentzPolarizationVectorE total;
if(iopt==1) total = rho[0];
else if(iopt==2) total = rho[1];
else total = rho[0]+rho[1];
Complex qdot = total * Q / Q.m2();
LorentzPolarizationVectorE cq(Q);
cq = cq * qdot;
cq -= total;
return pre * cq;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
FivePionCurrent & operator=(const FivePionCurrent &);
* The masses and widths of the intermediate particles
* The mass of the \f$\rho\f$ for the current.
Energy _rhomass;
* The mass of the \f$a_1\f$ for the current.
Energy _a1mass;
* The mass of the \f$\omega\f$ for the current.
Energy _omegamass;
* The mass of the \f$\sigma\f$ for the current.
Energy _sigmamass;
* The width for the \f$\rho\f$.
Energy _rhowidth;
* The \f$a_1\f$ width
Energy _a1width;
* The \f$\omega\f$ width.
Energy _omegawidth;
* The \f$\sigma\f$ width.
Energy _sigmawidth;
* use local values of the particle masses
bool _localparameters;
* Option for the treatment of \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigners in \f$\omega\f$ decay
bool _rhoomega;
* Normalisation parameters for the different currents
* The \f$c\f$ parameter
Energy2 _c;
* The \f$c_0\f$ parameter
double _c0;
* The \f$f_{\omega\rho\pi}\f$ parameter
InvEnergy _fomegarhopi;
* The \f$g_{\rho\pi\pi}\f$ parameter
double _grhopipi;
* The \f$G_{a\rho\pi}\f$ parameter
Energy _garhopi;
* The \f$f_{aaf}\f$ parameter
Energy _faaf;
* The \f$f_{f\pi\pi}\f$ parameter
Energy _ffpipi;
* Values cached to avoid unnessacary calculations
* Prefactor for the \f$\rho\omega\f$ current
InvEnergy7 _preomega;
* Prefactor for the \f$a_1\sigma\f$ current
InvEnergy3 _presigma;
#endif /* HERWIG_FivePionCurrent_H */
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