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Index: contrib/trunk/contribs.svn
--- contrib/trunk/contribs.svn (revision 1431)
+++ contrib/trunk/contribs.svn (revision 1432)
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
# This file contains the list of all contribs and their current
# (default) version. It is read by scripts/
# You should NOT MODIFY this file, but rather write your
# local modifications in contribs.local, with the same format.
# They will take precedence.
# The format is mostly two-column, where the location is a
# relative location pointing to a stable release (tags/...),
# the trunk (trunk) or a branch (branch/...)
# [branch is unsupported at the moment]
# A contribution can be skipped by replacing the location name
# with at least a "-", e.g. "----"
# ContribName Location
# [contribs from the FastJet authors]
GenericSubtractor tags/1.3.1
JetFFMoments tags/1.0.0
# [contribs from Jesse Thaler]
VariableR tags/1.2.1
Nsubjettiness tags/2.3.2
# [contrib from Andrew Larkoski, Lina Necib, Gavin Salam & Jesse Thaler]
EnergyCorrelator tags/1.3.2
# [contrib from Jeff Tseng]
ScJet tags/1.1.0
# [contrib from S. El Hedri, A. Hook, M. Jankowiak, J.G. Wacker]
SubjetCounting tags/1.0.1
# [contrib from D. Krohn, M. Low, M.D. Schwartz, and L-T Wang]
JetCleanser tags/1.0.1
# [contrib from D. Bertolini, T. Chan and J. Thaler]
JetsWithoutJets tags/1.0.0
# [contrib from Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller and Rupert Leitner]
ConstituentSubtractor tags/1.4.7
# [contrib from Gavin Salam, Gregory Soyez and Jesse Thaler]
-RecursiveTools tags/2.0.2
+RecursiveTools tags/2.0.3
# [contrib from Matteo Cacciari, Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez]
SoftKiller tags/1.0.0
# [contrib from Ignacio Garcia Garcia and Marcel Vos]
ValenciaPlugin tags/2.0.2
# [contrib from Martin Stoll and Seng-Pei Liew]
ClusteringVetoPlugin tags/1.0.0
# [contrib from Andy Buckley and Chris Pollard]
QCDAwarePlugin tags/1.0.0
# [from Phil Ilten, Jesse Thaler]
FlavorCone tags/1.0.0
# [from Frederic Dreyer, Alexander Karlberg, Keith Hamilton, Gavin Salam, Gregory Soyez, Ludovic Scyboz, Rob Verheyen]
LundPlane tags/2.1.1
# [from Miguel Arratia, Yiannis Makris, Duff Neill, Felix Ringer, Nobuo Sato]
Centauro tags/1.0.0
# [from Andrii Verbytskyi]
KTClusCXX tags/1.0.1
# [from Peter Berta and Martin Spousta]
SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator tags/1.0.1
\ No newline at end of file
Index: contrib/trunk/NEWS
--- contrib/trunk/NEWS (revision 1431)
+++ contrib/trunk/NEWS (revision 1432)
@@ -1,249 +1,253 @@
+2024-10-07: release of 1.056 with
+* update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.3, with bug fix that resolves
+ use of wrong Recluster.hh in RecursiveSoftDrop.hh
2024-06-26: release of 1.055 with
* update of SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator to 1.0.1, with bug fix
for updates of signal seeds and new option to disable weights in median
2024-02-29: release of 1.054 with
* addition of new SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator contrib, version 1.0.0
* LundPlane updated to version 2.1.1, with bug fixes for
delta psibar calculations in opposite hemispheres and for compilation
issues on some systems
* Nsubjettiness updated to 2.3.2 with change in recommended axes
away from OnePass, and addition of HalfKT axes options recommended for beta = 2.
This release also fixes a few compiler warnings.
* ConstituentSubtractor updated to version 1.4.7, which resolves
rounding-error induced failures of make check on Mac M2 systems
* RecursiveTools updated to 2.0.2, addressing rounding-error induced
make check issues on Mac M2 systems
* EnergyCorrelator updated to 1.3.2, addressing rounding-error induced
make check issues on Mac M2 systems
* configure script now sorts contribs alphabetically to ensure
reproducibility of build order (thanks to Stefan Bruns)
* make check now correctly gives a non-zero return code if any of the
underlying contribs fail their tests
2023-09-29: release of 1.053 with
* update of LundPlane to 2.0.4 which fixes a const-correctness issue and
adds a new LundPlane.hh header, which acts as a shortcut to the
other headers.
2023-05-18: release of 1.052 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to v1.4.6, which brings small bug fixes
2023-03-01: release of 1.051 with
* new KTClusCXX (1.0.1), a C++ re-implementation of the interface and
features of Mike Seymour's Fortran ktclus package (including
DIS algorithms and various hadron-collider distance measures).
Provided by Andrii Verbytskyi
* Update of LundPlane to 2.0.3, to fix missing header installation
2022-08-20: release of 1.050 with
* updated LundPlane to 2.0.2, fixing compilation issues with g++-12
2022-06-15: release of 1.049 with
* updated Nsubjettiness to 2.2.6, with thread-safety improvements
2021-12-08: release of 1.048 with
* inclusion of C++11 check files (fixes bug reported by Andrii Verbytskyi)
2021-12-06: release of 1.047 with LundPlane updated to v2.0.1
* adds RecursiveLundEEGenerator for e+e- studies, with examples
from spin-correlation analyses of arXiv:2103.16526 and
* Note: fjcontrib now requires a compiler that supports C++11 or higher.
The configure scripts attempts to add CXXFLAGS arguments to enable this
if not already enabled. Please report any issues you encounter.
2021-08-21: release of 1.046 with RecursiveTools updated to v2.0.1
* added rare divide-by-zero in calculation of mu2
2020-08-04: release of 1.045 with
* first release of Centauro (DIS jet algorithm plugin), v 1.0.0
2020-03-07: release of 1.044 with
* update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0 (relative to 2.0.0-beta2,
brings documentation improvements)
2020-02-23: release of 1.043 with
* updates of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.5 and
LundPlane to 1.0.3 to fix c++98 compatibility issues
2019-07-18: release of 1.042 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.4
(updates to function naming, treatment of massive inputs,
selectors for correcting specific sets of particles, use of
ability to use primary-particle info in CS distance)
2018-12-04: release of 1.041 with
* update of ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.2 (bug fix for negative beta)
2018-12-04: release of 1.040 with
* update of ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.1 (bug fix for treatment massive particles)
2018-10-31: release of 1.039 with
* update of LundPlane to 1.0.2 (only affects python code)
* documentation and scripts updated for new HEPForge phabricator system
2018-08-30: release of 1.038 with
* new LundPlane contrib, version 1.0.1
2018-07-20: release of 1.037 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.3.1
2018-06-06: release of 1.036 with
* update of Nsubjettiness to 2.2.5, fixing bug involving
undefined pointer in AxesDefinition
2018-05-28: release of 1.035 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.7
(ability to correct just phase space defined by fastjet::Selector,
change of grid size possible with subtract_event_using_charged_info,
updated examples)
* update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0-beta2 with bug fix for recent
clang compilers.
2018-05-18: release of 1.034 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.5
(big fixing + support for "pt,y,phi" inputs)
* minor modification to the template Makefile for new contribs
2018-02-15: release of 1.033 with
* update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.1
(memory leak fixed, functionality unchanged)
2018-01-17: release of 1.032 with
* update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.0
(Speed up of core ECF code, functionality unchanged)
2017-12-20: release of 1.031 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.4 (which
adds back in the full set of example programs)
2017-10-13: release of 1.030 with
* update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0-beta1 (included RecursiveSoftDrop,
IteratedSoftDrop, BottomUpSoftDrop, as well as ee versions)
2017-09-10: release of 1.029 with
* release of FlavorCone 1.0.0
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.3
2017-08-30: release of 1.028 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.2 (added back an
erronously-renamed function)
2017-08-10: release of 1.027 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.1 (new behaviour for massive
particles and speed improvements for whole-event subtraction)
2017-01-25: release of 1.026 with
* update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.1.5 (new pileup subtraction
options and rho-rescaling)
2016-10-07: release of 1.025 with
* update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.2.0 (with new generalized energy correlation functions)
2016-06-21: release of version 1.024 with
* update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.4 (fixed bug with multi-pass axes)
* update of VariableR to version 1.2.1 (fixed documentation and comments)
2016-04-28: release of version 1.023 with
* update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.3 (fixed bug with tau_N for
jets with less than N constituents)
2016-03-30: release of version 1.022 with
* VariableR version 1.2.0 (faster clustering when used with FastJet>=3.2.0)
* ConstituentSubtractor version 1.1.1 (FastJet rho_m support, faster algorithm, ...)
* Nsubjettiness version 2.2.2 (replaces deprecated features in FastJet)
* GenericSubtractor version 1.3.1 (replaces deprecated use of auto_ptr)
2015-10-12: release of version 1.021 with
* new contrib: QCDAwarePlugin, version 1.0.0 (from A.Buckley and C.Pollard)
2015-10-05: release of version 1.020 with
* update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.1 (fixes a bug in the Makefile
that broke building of shared libraries)
* install permissions of switched from
0644 to 0755
2015-09-21: release of version 1.019 with
* update of GenericSubtractor to version 1.3.0 (adds rho_m support for
FastJet v3.1)
2015-09-07: release of version 1.018 with
* update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.0 (inclusion of the XCone jet
algorithm; inclusion of new measures; interface improvements; bugs fixed)
2015-05-05: release of version 1.017 with
* new contrib: ClusteringVetoPlugin, version 1.0.0
2015-04-07: release of version 1.016 with
* new contrib: ValenciaPlugin, version 2.0.0 (new e+e- clustering algorithms)
2014-11-25: release of version 1.015 with
* update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.1.0 (adds C1, C2 and D2 observables)
2014-08-17: release of version 1.014 with
* new contrib: SoftKiller 1.0.0 pileup removal tool (from Matteo
Cacciari, Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez)
* update of JetCleanser to version 1.0.1, fixing a C++11 compilation issue
2014-07-09: release of version 1.013 with
* Nsubjettiness updated to version 2.1.0 (from 1.0.3). Maintains
backward compatibility and adds a new recommended interface.
* new contrib: RecursiveTools with v1.0.0 including ModifiedMassDropTagger
and SoftDrop (from Gavin Salam, Gregory Soyez and Jesse Thaler)
2014-06-03: release of version 1.012 with
* VariableR updated to version 1.1.1 (from 1.0.1), with optimized code
and new recommended interface.
2014-04-06: release of version 1.011 with
* new contrib: ConstituentSubtractor (from Peter Berta, Martin
Spousta, David W. Miller and Rupert Leitner)
2014-02-26: release of version 1.010 with
* new contrib: JetsWithoutJets (from Daniele Bertolini, Tucker Chan,
Jesse Thaler)
2014-02-03: release of version 1.009 with
* new make targets fragile-shared and fragile-shared-install
which build and install a single
for the whole of fjcontrib. This is a temporary fix to
provide a shared lib and will change at some future date.
2013-09-24: release of version 1.008, with
* new contrib: JetCleanser 1.0.0 (from David Krohn, Matthew Low,
Matthew D. Schwartz, and Lian-Tao Wang)
* replacement of the data file with pileup in data/, so as to also
include particle ID and charge information
2013-09-03: release of version 1.007, with
* new contrib: SubjetCounting 1.0.1 (from Sonia El Hedri, Anson Hook,
Martin Jankowiak, Jay G. Wacker)
* fix for a bug that was preventing configuration with explicit inclusion
or exclusion of more than one contrib
2013-08-27: release of version 1.006 with
* Nsubjettiness updated to 1.0.3 (compiler fixes, minor code reorganisation)
2013-06-04: release of version 1.005 with
* new contrib: ScJet 1.1.0 (from Jeff Tseng)
2013-05-28: release of version 1.004 with
* GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.2.0 (new constructors, example bug-fix)
2013-05-01: release of version 1.003 with
* new contrib: EnergyCorrelator 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler, Gavin Salam
and Andrew Larkoski)
2013-04-12: release of version 1.002, with
* GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.1.0 (fixes an important bug wrt 1.0.0)
2013-02-23: release of version 1.001, with
* new contrib: VariableR 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler)
* new contrib: Nsubjettiness 1.0.2 (from Jesse Thaler)
* improved output from configure, fixes of typos in documentation
2013-02-07: release of version 1.000, containing
* JetFFMoments, version 1.0.0
* GenericSubtractor, version 1.0.0
Index: contrib/trunk/VERSION
--- contrib/trunk/VERSION (revision 1431)
+++ contrib/trunk/VERSION (revision 1432)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Index: contrib/trunk/ChangeLog
--- contrib/trunk/ChangeLog (revision 1431)
+++ contrib/trunk/ChangeLog (revision 1432)
@@ -1,1199 +1,1206 @@
+2024-10-07 Gavin Salam
+ * contribs.svn:
+ * NEWS:
+ updated RecursiveTools to 2.0.3 and prepared for 1.056 release
2024-06-26 Wed Gavin Salam
* contribs.svn:
updated SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator to 1.0.1 and prepared for 1.055 release
2024-03-19 Gavin Salam <>
* data/pythia8_Zq_vshort.dat: *** ADDED ***
added this file, as needed for validation of the new
JetFlav contrib.
* utils/
updated this to version needed for JetFlav/IFN checks,
which allows for extra arguments to be passed.
2024-02-29 Gregory Soyez <>
* contribs.svn:
updated Nsubjettiness to 2.3.2 to fix unsigned int warning
in example_advanced_usage
2024-02-28 Wed <>
* contribs.svn:
updated Nsubjettiness to 2.3.1 to fix unsigned int warning
in AxesDefinition.hh
2024-02-26 Mon <>
preparing for release of 1.054
2024-02-26 Mon <>
* utils/
fixed an issue where a failure in one of the checks
did not result in a non-zero exit code for make check.
Also aligned output in summary.
* contribs.svn:
updated RecursiveTools to 2.0.2, EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.2,
Nsubjettiness to 2.3.0
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/internal/
this now searches explicitly for gnu tar rather than just tar
(which could be a BSD tar on macs, and which gives tarballs
that are not very Linux friendly, reported by Ezra Lesser).
2024-02-21 Wed <>
* contribs.svn:
* configure:
added SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator v1.0.0 and updated configure script
so that it allows for longer contrib names in its summary output.
started preparation of release notes for 1.054
2024-02-01 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated LundPlane to 2.1.0
2024-01-06 Gavin Salam <>
* configure:
added sorting of contribs, to ensure build order is reproducible,
as requested in
and communicated to us by Stefan Bruns.
sorted output from tests to ensure reproducibility
2023-09-29 Fri <>
prepared release of 1.053
* contribs.svn:
updated LundPlane to 2.0.4
2023-05-18 Gavin Salam <>
prepared for release of 1.052
* contribs.svn:
updated ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.6
2023-03-01 Gavin Salam <>
Preparing for release of fjcontrib-1.051
* contribs.svn:
added KTClusCXX 1.0.1
updated LundPlane to 2.0.3
2022-08-20 S<>
Preparing for release of fjcontrib-1.050
* contribs.svn:
updated LundPlane to 2.0.2
2022-06-15 Gavin Salam <>
Preparing for release of fjcontrib-1.049
* contribs.svn:
updated Nsubjettiness to 2.26
2021-12-08 Gregory Soyez <>
Preparing for the release of fjcontrib-1.048
* scripts/internal/
included the script directory in the tarball and the
This fixes issue that scripts/c1checks was absent
from the tarball
2021-12-06 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated LundPlane to 2.0.1 and prepared for release of
* configure:
* scripts/c11check/Makefile:
* scripts/c11check/
added facilities for checking if we have c++11
support and adding it in if need be
2021-08-21 Sat <>
* contribs.svn:
updated RecursiveTools to 2.0.1 and prepared for release
of fjcontrib-1.046
2020-08-04 Tue <>
Preparing for release of 1.045
* contribs.svn:
added Centauro (DIS jet algorithm plugin) 1.0.0
2020-03-07 Gavin Salam <>
Preparing for release of 1.044
* contribs.svn:
updated RecursiveTools to 2.0.0
2020-02-23 Gavin Salam <>
preparing for release of 1.043
added note about need for c++11 here if FJ was compiled with
* contribs.svn:
updated ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.5 and LundPlane to 1.0.3 to
fix c++98 compatibility issues
2019-07-18 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
ConstituentSubtractor updated to 1.4.4,
prepared release of fjcontrib-1.042
2018-12-22 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.2 with bug fixes for negative beta.
Prepared for release of fjcontrib-1.041
2018-12-04 Gavin Salam <>
* scripts/internal/ (svn_read):
updated links for read-only access.
2018-12-04 Gavin Salam <>
prepared for release of 1.040 with ValenciaPlugin 2.0.1
* contribs.svn:
updated ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.1
2018-10-31 Gavin Salam <>
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/internal/
fixed issue with incorrect links and
made it import svn_read address from environment variables set in
2018-10-31 Gavin Salam <>
preparing for 1.039 release with LundPlane 1.0.2
2018-10-30 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated LundPlane to 1.0.2
2018-10-25 Gavin Salam <>
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/internal/
work in progress to move things over to the new hepforge system.
2018-08-30 Gavin Salam <>
prepared release of 1.038 with LundPlane 1.0.1
* contribs.svn:
added LundPlane version 1.0.1
2018-08-23 Gavin Salam <> + Matteo
* scripts/internal/
added script to extract all author emails
2018-08-23 Gavin Salam <>
* scripts/
documented the --force option in the help message
2018-07-20 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
prepared release of 1.037 with ConstituentSubtractor updated to 1.3.1
2018-06-06 Gavin Salam <>
prepared release of 1.036.
* contribs.svn:
updated Nsubjettiness to 2.2.5, with fix for bug involving
undefined pointer for in AxesDefinition
2018-05-29 Gavin Salam <>
prepared for the release of 1.035
* contribs.svn:
updated RecursiveTools to 2.0.0-beta2 with bug fix for recent
clang compilers.
2018-05-28 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.7 (extra features, clearer examples)
2018-05-18 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for the release of 1.034
* contribs.svn:
upped ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.5 (fixing a bug)
* scripts/internal/Template/Makefile
added CXXFLAGS to the compilation of the examples
2018-02-15 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for the release of 1.033
* contribs.svn:
upped EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.1 (fixing a memory leak)
2018-01-17 Gavin Salam <>
prepared for release of 1.032
* contribs.svn:
updated EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.0
2017-12-20 Gavin Salam <>
upped version to 1.031 & prepared NEWS for release
* contribs.svn:
upped ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.4
2017-11-13 Gavin Salam <>
* configure:
included patch from for issue with
macOS sed.
2017-10-13 Gregory Soyez <>
preapred to release v1.030
* contribs.svn:
switched to v2.0.0-beta1 of RecursiveTools
2017-09-10 Gavin Salam <>
prepared release 1.029
* contribs.svn:
added FlavorCone tags/1.0.0
updated ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.3
* scripts/
changed error and usage messages to reflect correct script name.
2017-08-30 Gregory Soyez <>
switched to version 1.028 in view of release and updated NEWS
* contribs.svn:
switched ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.2 [added back an
erronously-renamed function]
2017-08-10 Gavin Salam <>
switched to version 1.027 in view of release and updated NEWS
* contribs.svn:
updated ConstituentSubtractor to v1.2.1, which includes changes to
the treatment of massive particles and speed improvements for
whole-event subtraction.
2017-01-25 Gavin Salam <>
switched to version 1.026 in view of release and updated NEWS
* contribs.svn:
updated ConstituentSubtractor to v1.1.5, which includes new pileup
subtraction options and rho-rescaling.
2016-10-07 Gavin Salam <>
Switched version to 1.025 in view of a release; updated NEWS
* contribs.svn:
switched EnergyCorrelator to version 1.2.0
2016-06-21 Gregory Soyez <>
Switched version number over to 1.024 (in view of a release)
Updated the release notes
* contribs.svn:
switched to Nsubjettiness 2.2.4
2016-06-01 Gregory Soyez <>
* contribs.svn:
switched VariableR over to v1.2.1
2016-04-28 Gregory Soyez <>
Switched version number over to 1.023 (in view of a release)
Updated the release notes
* contribs.svn:
switched to Nsubjettiness 2.2.3
2016-03-31 Gregory Soyez <>
set version number to 1.022 prior to the release
2016-03-30 Gavin Salam <>
* utils/ (DIFF):
provided more output in cases where the check fails.
minor tweak to NEWS
2016-03-30 Gregory Soyez <>
drafted for the release of fjcontrib-1.022
* contribs.svn:
switched GenericSubtractor over to version 1.3.1
2016-03-29 Gregory Soyez <>
* contribs.svn:
switched VariableR over to 1.2.0 and Nsubjettiness to 2.2.2
2016-03-10 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/ *** ADDED ***
added an internal script that checks if the list in contribs.svn
is up-to-date
2016-03-09 Gregory Soyez <>
* contribs.svn:
switched ConstituentSubtractor over to version 1.1.1
2015-10-12 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for release 1.021 including QCDAwarePlugin 1.0.0
* contribs.svn:
added QCDAwarePlugin to the list of included contribs
2015-10-05 Matteo Cacciari <>
* scripts/internal/
fixed harmless typo
2015-10-05 Matteo Cacciari <>
install permissions of switched
from 0644 to 0755 (reported by Dario Berzano).
This will go into 1.020
mentioned item above
2015-10-04 Matteo Cacciari <>
prepared for release 1.020 with Nsubjettiness 2.2.1
2015-10-04 Gavin Salam <>
mentioned the need to check that "make fragile-shared" works.
* scripts/internal/
added a check that "make fragile-shared" works.
2015-09-28 Gregory Soyez <>
* contribs.svn:
switched to version 2.2.1 of Nsubjettiness [minor bug in Makefile]
2015-09-24 Matteo Cacciari <>
* scripts/internal/
set up to extract from svn date of tag of last version and
output it in the table with the list of contribs
2015-09-21 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for release 1.019 GenericSubtractor 1.3.0
* contribs.svn:
switched GenericSubtractor to version 1.3.0
2015-09-07 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for release 1.018 with Nsubjettiness 2.2.0
2015-07-23 Gregory Soyez <>
* data/single-ee-event.dat: *** ADDED ***
added a simple e+e- event for tests in e+e- coordinates
2015-05-05 Gavin Salam <>
prepared NEWS and VERSION files for release 1.017 with
ClusteringVetoPlugin 1.0.0
2015-05-04 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
added ClusteringVetoPlugin 1.0.0
2015-04-07 Gavin Salam <>
updated version to 1.016 and mentioned ValenciaPlugin 2.0.0 in NEWS
* contribs.svn:
added ValenciaPlugin (tags/2.0.0)
2015-02-20 Gavin Salam <> + Matteo
mentioned that people should set svn:keywords to Id on relevant
* scripts/internal/Template/
modified template example header to include a line showing
how to run the example.
2014-11-25 Gavin Salam <>
updated version 1.015 and prepared NEWS
* contribs.svn:
updated EnergyCorrelator to version 1.1.0
2014-08-17 Gavin Salam <>
updated version to 1.014 and prepared NEWS
* contribs.svn:
added SoftKiller 1.0.0
2014-08-16 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
updated JetCleanser version to tags/1.0.1
2014-07-09 Gregory Soyez <>
updated version to 1.013 and prepared NEWS for release.
* contribs.svn:
. updated Nsubjettiness to version 2.1.0
. added release 1.0.0 of the new RecursiveTools contrib by
G. Salam, G. Soyez and J. Thaler
2014-06-12 Gregory Soyez <>
* configure (sorted_built_contribs):
slightly enlarged the space for printing contribs summary
2014-06-03 Gavin Salam <>
updated version to 1.012 and prepared NEWS for release.
* contribs.svn:
updated VariableR to version 1.1.1
2014-04-06 Gavin Salam <>
upped version to 1.011 for new contrib with ConstituentSubtractor
and prepared NEWS for the release.
* contribs.svn:
added release 1.0.0 of the new ConstituentSubtractor by Peter
Berta et al.
2014-04-02 Gavin Salam <>
added details of how to set svn:keywords on source files.
2014-03-14 Gavin Salam <>
* (distclean):
distclean depended on CMS-shared-distclean when it should have
been fragile-shared-distclean.
2014-03-01 Matteo Cacciari <>
* scripts/internal/
added (and set) option to list the contribs alphabetically.
Also added (but not activated) option to include the date using the
time stamp of the svn tag
2014-02-26 Matteo Cacciari <>
upped version to 1.010 for release with new contrib JetsWithoutJets
and added release date to NEWS.
* contribs.svn
added JetsWithoutJets v1.0.0
* configure
- added a blank line in output to config.log
- enabled alphabetically ordered output of enabled contribs
2014-02-03 Gavin Salam <>
upped version to 1.009 for release and added release date to NEWS.
2014-01-31 Gavin SALAM <> + Gregory + Matteo
* configure:
added targets fragile-shared fragile-shared-install and fragile-shared-distclean;
the fragile-shared(-install) builds (installs) a file. This is currently very fragile, in
that it relies on just the SRCS formatting in the individual
contrib makefiles (all sources on a single line, without wildcards).
2014-01-20 Gavin Salam <>
* utils/
arranged for make check to exit with error on failure from within
subdirectories, but to exit OK on failure when called from the
main directory (previous behaviour was to always exit OK).
Removed redundant "exit 1" from the code (exit always
handled by print_status_and_exit(...)).
Also, when called directly from a subdirectory, make check no
longer records its output in the test_summary.tmp file, and it now
prints a colour-coded success/failure message.
2013-10-24 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/
updated to add support for branches
* scripts/ (script_new_version):
fixed an issue with checking out versions containing a '-' [the
regular expression matching pattern was consifering these as
2013-10-21 Gavin Salam <>
added some first thoughts on guidelines for reviewing
2013-09-24 Matteo Cacciari <>
released fjcontrib 1.008 with new contrib JetCleanser 1.0.0
* contribs.svn:
added JetCleanser 1.0.0
2013-09-22 Matteo Cacciari <>
* data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
replaced with new file including also particle ID and charge.
The events remain the same (up to, sometimes, differences in
the last digit), the "make check" still work without changing
the old reference files
2013-09-22 Matteo Cacciari <>
* utils/
added a safety check to verify if tput is present on the system
before using it to set colors
2013-09-19 Matteo Cacciari <>
* utils/
added colors to Success/Failed output from "make check"
* scripts/internal/
a flag can now be set to get an alphabetically ordered
output (currently set to false, i.e. same output as before)
2013-09-19 Gregory Soyez <>
* utils/
instead of having "make check" exit with an error whenever a test
fails, let it keep going and print a summary of what has failed
and succeded at the end of everything
2013-09-03 Matteo Cacciari <>
* contribs.svn:
switched SubjetCounting to version 1.0.1
released fjcontrib 1.007 with new contrib SubjetCounting 1.0.1
and bugfix for exclusion and inclusion of more than one contrib
2013-09-03 Matteo Cacciari <>
released fjcontrib 1.007 with new contrib SubjetCounting 1.0.0
and bugfix for exclusion and inclusion of more than one contrib
(not actually released as a tarball, see entry above)
* contribs.svn:
added SubjetCounting 1.0.0
2013-08-28 Matteo Cacciari <>
* configure
fixed two bugs that were preventing specifying more than
one contrib with the --only and --exclude options. The issues
were a spurious "/" appearing in the replacement of commas with
blanks in the contribs list, and a non-escaped command-line
passed through sed when writing out the Makefile.
2013-08-27 Gregory Soyez <>
released fjcontrib 1.006 including Nsubjettiness 1.0.3
* contribs.svn:
switched NSubjetiness to version 1.0.3
2013-08-13 Gavin Salam <>
* configure:
identification of svn info fixed to work also with svn 1.8 (that
version prints an absolute and relative URL, and configure was
picking up both; now it picks up just the absolute URL).
* scripts/internal/
hopefully fixed bug where tagging comment didn't have version
number (but '$version')
2013-07-24 Gavin Salam <>
mentioned that authors can ask for input from fjcontrib
maintainers before making a release
2013-06-04 Gavin Salam <>
* configure:
improved error message when fastjet-config not found
2013-06-04 Gavin Salam <>
released version 1.005, which adds ScJet 1.1.0
2013-06-03 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
added ScJet 1.1.0 from Jeff Tseng
2013-05-28 Gavin Salam <>
release of version 1.004
* contribs.svn:
switched GenericSubtractor to version 1.2.0
2013-05-22 Gavin Salam <>
* configure:
for contribs obtained through an svn checkout (e.g. for
developers), it now supplements version info from the
ContribName/VERSION file with info about the svn location.
2013-05-07 Matteo Cacciari <>
* scripts/internal/
further replacement [ \t] -> [[:space:]] for the fix
mentioned below, since the first one fails to recognize tabs
(only blanks worked)
2013-05-01 Gavin Salam <>
release of 1.003
* contribs.svn:
changed version of EnergyCorrelator to 1.0.1
* scripts/internal/
implemented suggested fix by J. Thaler for issue of
already-checked out contribs not being recognized on some
2013-04-30 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
put in EnergyCorrelator 1.0.0
2013-04-29 Gregory Soyez <> + Matteo
* scripts/
reworded comments at the top of the script to reflect the changes
made with 'contribs.local'
2013-04-28 Matteo Cacciari <> + Gregory
* scripts/
* scripts/internal/
* contribs.svn
replaced contribs.local with local_svn to avoid confusion with
the name of the file that will eventually be used to contain
local modifications to contribs.svn.
Fixed a regular expression in grep (allowing for mixture of spaces
and tabs before the contrib name)
Also reworded some comments.
Added support for a contribs.local overriding default entries in
contribs.svn. Added option to skip processing of a specific
contribution by scripts/, by replacing version
number with any number of dashes.
2013-04-27 Matteo Cacciari <>
* utils/
Fixed a few typos in comments
2013-04-12 Gregory Soyez <>
prepared for 1.002 release
* contribs.svn:
GenericSubtractor switched to version 1.1.0 (was 1.0.0)
2013-02-23 Gavin Salam <>
prepared for 1.001 release
* contribs.svn:
added VariableR 1.0.1 and Nsubjettiness 1.0.2 (from Jesse Thaler)
* configure:
now outputs version of each contrib (+ other small formatting)
distclean now removes Makefile and
2013-02-22 Gavin Salam <>
* utils/
now prints out the directory that it's running in
2013-02-21 Matteo Cacciari <>
Rephrased sentence about registering a new contrib and the note
note about retrieving a registered contrib using
scripts/ ContribName trunk"
2013-02-21 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/Template/Makefile:
added missing ; in make install
2013-02-21 Gavin Salam <>
added info on use of htpasswd to send us a password
* scripts/internal/ (svn_write):
switched write URL from svn+ssh -> https
2013-02-21 Gavin Salam <>
fixed type for http checkout
2013-02-07 Matteo Cacciari <>
Pushed version to 1.000 for release
* contribs.svn
set version numbers to 1.0.0 for both GenericSubtractor and
2013-02-06 Gavin SALAM <> + Matteo
* scripts/internal/
a few fixes wrt paths for the tarball, info on release date,
parallel make, etc.
2013-02-06 Gavin SALAM <> + Matteo
* scripts/
now does "exit 1" if it couldn't find a given contrib version on
the svn.
* scripts/internal/
now allows user to carry on even if there are local modifications,
but with a warning.
* scripts/
tried to make sure that failure of switch-to-contrib results in
failure of update-contribs too (important e.g. for release script)
* configure (makefileinc):
the file now has variables to override the install
and check scripts (intended to help possible future changes +
standalone functionality).
* scripts/internal/ -> utils/
* scripts/internal/install-sh -> utils/install-sh
moved these into a separate directory so that in the tarball we
include utils, but can completely discard scripts/
* scripts/internal/Template/Makefile:
this has been updated to use scripts in utils/*
* scripts/internal/
now includes a link to the directory for the contrib
* configure:
fixed bug in output of prefix to (wasn't being
output when it was derived from fastjet-config).
* contribs.svn:
JetFFMoments -> tags/0.99.1
* scripts/internal/ :
fixed typo in checking of existing version; before asking about a
release it now lists the contrib versions.
upped to 0.001 for more testing
2013-02-01 Gavin Salam <>
* contribs.svn:
GenericSubtractor -> 0.99.1
JetFFMoments -> 0.99
* configure:
* scripts/internal/Template/Makefile:
variables are now communicated to sub-directory Makefiles via a; trunks of JetFFMoments and GenericSubtractor also
* scripts/internal/
contents now lives in a separate directory
* scripts/
no longer query if the contrib isn't yet there.
2013-02-01 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/ (well... mostly Matteo)
added a simple script to package a tarball
2013-01-31 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/
. removed unneeded developer and svn-users files from the
. fixed a few typos and trivial bugs
. check which fastjet-config to use when running tests
. the script now upload the tarball and the relevant info for
the webpage update
* scripts/internal/
played with CSS styles so as to get a result that looks rather
close to what is on the FastJet tools page
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/
passed the default answer to get_yesno_answer as an argument
rather than a pre-defined variable
* scripts/internal/
added a script to release fj-contrib
it includes all the contrib in contribs.svn
* configure:
used --fastjet-config=... rather than --fjconfig=... to specify
the 'fastjet-config' file to use
* scripts/
* scripts/internal/
allowed to run --force
which will answer yes to all "yesno" questions asked
* VERSION: *** ADDED ***
added a VERSION file
* scripts/internal/
* scripts/
* scripts/
* scripts/
removed potential trailing /
2013-01-31 Gavin Salam <> + Gregory
tried to make these a little more compact.
2013-01-31 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/ -> scripts/
renamed for more consistency
* scripts/internal/
if the version starts with a digit, prefix it by "tags/"
* scripts/internal/install-sh:
added a script for installing files
* scripts/
checked the full list of mandatory files when making a release
2013-01-31 Gavin Salam <>
* scripts/
added -h option to
2013-01-31 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/
if the svn up updated the script, re-run with
the new version
* AUTHORS: *** ADDED ***
* COPYING: *** ADDED ***
* scripts.internal/Template/COPYING:
put this under GPLv2 and added the list of people maintaining the
mentioned instead of
* scripts/internal/
checked that the expected output contains more than comments and
empty lines
2013-01-31 Gavin SALAM <> + Matteo + Gregory
* scripts/internal/Template/example.ref *** ADDED ***
added a template reference output file for make check with
instruction on what to do with it.
* scripts/ -> scripts/
a more meaningful name.
2013-01-31 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/internal/
default extension for expected output set to "ref"
* scripts/internal/Template/
added missing header
* scripts/internal/Template/Makefile
* scripts/internal/
fixed some bash typos
* scripts/ *** DELETED ***
* scripts/internal/ *** ADDED ***
* scripts/
moved switch-to version in internal/
* scripts/ *** ADDED ***
* scripts/internal/Template: *** ADDED ***
added a template to create a new contrib and is associated script
* scripts/TODO:
updated to reflect altest changes
2013-01-30 Gregory Soyez <>
* scripts/
* scripts/
if the versions agree, still run svn up
* scripts/internal/
make sure the full contrib name is specified
* scripts/
when updating a specified contrib, ask for confirmation
* scripts/
- use svn switch --relocate since svn relocate is not available
with old svn version
- give a write access when checking out the trunk
* scripts/
gave access to check_pending_modifications
* data/ *** ADDED ***
added common event files for make check purpose
* configure: *** ADDED ***
* *** ADDED ***
added basic building mechanism
* scripts/
allowed to run it with a contrib name and optional version
This is then equivalent to calling
* scripts/
added "Template" to the list of ignored directories
* scripts/* *** ADDED ***
* README *** ADDED ***
added a list of maintenance scripts (see README for details)
* contribs.svn *** ADDED ***
added an (empty) list of supported contribs
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 12:39 PM (1 d, 18 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
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rFASTJETSVN fastjetsvn
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