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diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxAmplitude.h b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxAmplitude.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxAmplitude.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxAmplitude.h
@@ -1,542 +1,554 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MatchboxAmplitude.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MatchboxAmplitude_H
#define HERWIG_MatchboxAmplitude_H
// This is the declaration of the MatchboxAmplitude class.
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/Amplitude.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/LastXCombInfo.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/ColourBasis.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/SpinCorrelationTensor.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/LastMatchboxXCombInfo.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/MatchboxXComb.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.fh"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief Process information with coupling order
struct Process {
PDVector legs;
unsigned int orderInAlphaS;
unsigned int orderInAlphaEW;
: orderInAlphaS(0), orderInAlphaEW(0) {}
Process(const PDVector& p,
unsigned int oas,
unsigned int oae)
: legs(p), orderInAlphaS(oas), orderInAlphaEW(oae) {}
bool operator==(const Process& other) const {
legs == other.legs &&
orderInAlphaS == other.orderInAlphaS &&
orderInAlphaEW == other.orderInAlphaEW;
bool operator<(const Process& other) const {
if ( orderInAlphaS != other.orderInAlphaS )
return orderInAlphaS < other.orderInAlphaS;
if ( orderInAlphaEW != other.orderInAlphaEW )
return orderInAlphaEW < other.orderInAlphaEW;
return legs < other.legs;
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << legs << orderInAlphaS << orderInAlphaEW;
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is) {
is >> legs >> orderInAlphaS >> orderInAlphaEW;
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief Enumerate the type of calculation required
namespace ProcessType {
enum Types {
treeME2 = 0,
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief MatchboxAmplitude is the base class for amplitude
* implementations inside Matchbox.
* @see \ref MatchboxAmplitudeInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MatchboxAmplitude.
class MatchboxAmplitude:
public Amplitude,
public LastXCombInfo<StandardXComb>,
public LastMatchboxXCombInfo {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~MatchboxAmplitude();
* Return the amplitude. Needs to be implemented from
* ThePEG::Amplitude but is actually ill-defined, as colours of the
* external particles are not specified. To this extent, this
* implementation just asserts.
virtual Complex value(const tcPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
const vector<int> & helicities);
/** @name Subprocess information */
* Return true, if this amplitude can handle the given process.
virtual bool canHandle(const PDVector& p,
Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tptr) const { return canHandle(p); }
* Return true, if this amplitude can handle the given process.
virtual bool canHandle(const PDVector&) const { return false; }
* Return the number of random numbers required to evaluate this
* amplitude at a fixed phase space point.
virtual int nDimAdditional() const { return 0; }
* Return a ME instance appropriate for this amplitude and the given
* subprocesses
virtual Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr makeME(const PDVector&) const;
* Set the (tree-level) order in \f$g_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element should be evaluated.
virtual void orderInGs(unsigned int) {}
* Return the (tree-level) order in \f$g_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInGs() const = 0;
* Set the (tree-level) order in \f$g_{EM}\f$ in which this matrix
* element should be evaluated.
virtual void orderInGem(unsigned int) {}
* Return the (tree-level) order in \f$g_{EM}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInGem() const = 0;
* Return the Herwig++ StandardModel object
Ptr<StandardModel>::tcptr standardModel() {
if ( !hwStandardModel() )
return hwStandardModel();
* Tell whether the outgoing partons should be sorted when determining
* allowed subprocesses. Otherwise, all permutations are counted as
* separate subprocesses.
virtual bool sortOutgoing() { return true; }
+ * Return true, if this amplitude already includes averaging over
+ * incoming parton's quantum numbers.
+ */
+ virtual bool hasInitialAverage() const { return false; }
+ /**
+ * Return true, if this amplitude already includes symmetry factors
+ * for identical outgoing particles.
+ */
+ virtual bool hasFinalStateSymmetry() const { return false; }
+ /**
* Return true, if this amplitude is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider
virtual bool isOLPTree() const { return false; }
* Return true, if this amplitude is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider
virtual bool isOLPLoop() const { return false; }
* Write the order file header
virtual void olpOrderFileHeader(ostream&) const;
* Write the order file process list
virtual void olpOrderFileProcessGroup(ostream&,
const string&,
const set<Process>&) const;
* Write the order file process list
virtual void olpOrderFileProcesses(ostream&,
const map<pair<Process,int>,int>& procs) const;
* Start the one loop provider, if appropriate, giving order and
* contract files
virtual void signOLP(const string&, const string&) { }
* Start the one loop provider, if appropriate
virtual void startOLP(const string&, int& status) { status = -1; }
* Start the one loop provider, if appropriate. This default
* implementation writes an BLHA 2.0 order file and starts the OLP
virtual bool startOLP(const map<pair<Process,int>,int>& procs);
/** @name Colour basis. */
* Return the colour basis.
Ptr<ColourBasis>::tptr colourBasis() const { return theColourBasis; }
* Return true, if this amplitude will not require colour correlations.
virtual bool noCorrelations() const { return !haveOneLoop(); }
* Return true, if the colour basis is capable of assigning colour
* flows.
virtual bool haveColourFlows() const {
return colourBasis() ? colourBasis()->haveColourFlows() : false;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *> colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Return an ordering identifier for the current subprocess and
* colour absis tensor index.
const string& colourOrderingString(size_t id) const;
* Return an ordering identifier for the current subprocess and
* colour absis tensor index.
const vector<vector<size_t> >& colourOrdering(size_t id) const;
/** @name Phasespace point, crossing and helicities */
* Set the xcomb object.
virtual void setXComb(tStdXCombPtr xc);
* Return the momentum as crossed appropriate for this amplitude.
Lorentz5Momentum amplitudeMomentum(int) const;
* Perform a normal ordering of external legs and fill the
* crossing information as. This default implementation sorts
* lexicographically in (abs(colour)/spin/abs(charge)), putting pairs
* of particles/anti-particles where possible.
virtual void fillCrossingMap(size_t shift = 0);
* Generate the helicity combinations.
virtual set<vector<int> > generateHelicities() const;
/** @name Tree-level amplitudes */
* Calculate the tree level amplitudes for the phasespace point
* stored in lastXComb.
virtual void prepareAmplitudes(Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tcptr);
* Return the matrix element squared.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the colour correlated matrix element.
virtual double colourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij) const;
* Return the large-N colour correlated matrix element.
virtual double largeNColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij,
Ptr<ColourBasis>::tptr largeNBasis) const;
* Return a positive helicity polarization vector for a gluon of
* momentum p (with reference vector n) to be used when evaluating
* spin correlations.
virtual LorentzVector<Complex> plusPolarization(const Lorentz5Momentum& p,
const Lorentz5Momentum& n) const;
* Return the colour and spin correlated matrix element.
virtual double spinColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> emitterSpectator,
const SpinCorrelationTensor& c) const;
* Return true, if tree-level contributions will be evaluated at amplitude level.
virtual bool treeAmplitudes() const { return true; }
* Evaluate the amplitude for the given colour tensor id and
* helicity assignment
virtual Complex evaluate(size_t, const vector<int>&, Complex&) { return 0.; }
/** @name One-loop amplitudes */
* Return true, if this amplitude is capable of calculating one-loop
* (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool haveOneLoop() const { return false; }
* Return true, if this amplitude only provides
* one-loop (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool onlyOneLoop() const { return false; }
* Return true, if one-loop contributions will be evaluated at amplitude level.
virtual bool oneLoopAmplitudes() const { return true; }
* Return true, if one loop corrections have been calculated in
* dimensional reduction. Otherwise conventional dimensional
* regularization is assumed. Note that renormalization is always
* assumed to be MSbar.
virtual bool isDR() const { return false; }
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of the integrated dipoles.
virtual bool isCS() const { return false; }
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of BDK.
virtual bool isBDK() const { return false; }
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of everything expanded.
virtual bool isExpanded() const { return false; }
* Return the value of the dimensional regularization
* parameter. Note that renormalization scale dependence is fully
* restored in DipoleIOperator.
virtual Energy2 mu2() const { return 0.*GeV2; }
* If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon^2
virtual double oneLoopDoublePole() const { return 0.; }
* If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon
virtual double oneLoopSinglePole() const { return 0.; }
* Calculate the one-loop amplitudes for the phasespace point
* stored in lastXComb, if provided.
virtual void prepareOneLoopAmplitudes(Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tcptr);
* Return the one-loop/tree interference.
virtual double oneLoopInterference() const;
* Evaluate the amplitude for the given colour tensor id and
* helicity assignment
virtual Complex evaluateOneLoop(size_t, const vector<int>&) { return 0.; }
/** @name Caching and helpers to setup amplitude objects. */
* Flush all cashes.
virtual void flushCaches() {}
* Clone this amplitude.
Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr cloneMe() const {
return dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr>(clone());
* Clone the dependencies, using a given prefix.
virtual void cloneDependencies(const std::string& prefix = "");
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
// If needed, insert declarations of virtual function defined in the
// InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-decl in Emacs).
* Recursively generate helicities
void doGenerateHelicities(set<vector<int> >& res,
vector<int>& current,
size_t pos) const;
* The colour basis implementation to be used.
Ptr<ColourBasis>::ptr theColourBasis;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MatchboxAmplitude & operator=(const MatchboxAmplitude &);
inline PersistentOStream& operator<<(PersistentOStream& os,
const Process& h) {
return os;
inline PersistentIStream& operator>>(PersistentIStream& is,
Process& h) {
return is;
#endif /* HERWIG_MatchboxAmplitude_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/
@@ -1,1305 +1,1310 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the MatchboxMEBase class.
#include "MatchboxMEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PDF.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/PDT.h"
#include "ThePEG/StandardModel/StandardModelBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Cuts/Cuts.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StdXCombGroup.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/DiagramDrawer.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include <iterator>
using std::ostream_iterator;
using namespace Herwig;
: MEBase(),
theOneLoopNoBorn(false) {}
MatchboxMEBase::~MatchboxMEBase() {}
Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tcptr MatchboxMEBase::factory() const { return theFactory; }
void MatchboxMEBase::factory(Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tcptr f) { theFactory = f; }
Ptr<Tree2toNGenerator>::tptr MatchboxMEBase::diagramGenerator() const { return factory()->diagramGenerator(); }
Ptr<ProcessData>::tptr MatchboxMEBase::processData() const { return factory()->processData(); }
unsigned int MatchboxMEBase::getNLight() const { return factory()->nLight(); }
double MatchboxMEBase::factorizationScaleFactor() const { return factory()->factorizationScaleFactor(); }
double MatchboxMEBase::renormalizationScaleFactor() const { return factory()->renormalizationScaleFactor(); }
bool MatchboxMEBase::fixedCouplings() const { return factory()->fixedCouplings(); }
bool MatchboxMEBase::fixedQEDCouplings() const { return factory()->fixedQEDCouplings(); }
bool MatchboxMEBase::checkPoles() const { return factory()->checkPoles(); }
bool MatchboxMEBase::verbose() const { return factory()->verbose(); }
bool MatchboxMEBase::initVerbose() const { return factory()->initVerbose(); }
void MatchboxMEBase::getDiagrams() const {
if ( diagramGenerator() && processData() ) {
vector<Ptr<Tree2toNDiagram>::ptr> diags;
vector<Ptr<Tree2toNDiagram>::ptr>& res =
if ( res.empty() ) {
res = diagramGenerator()->generate(subProcess().legs,orderInAlphaS(),orderInAlphaEW());
if ( diags.empty() )
for ( vector<Ptr<Tree2toNDiagram>::ptr>::iterator d = diags.begin();
d != diags.end(); ++d ) {
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::getDiagrams() expects a Tree2toNGenerator and ProcessData object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
MatchboxMEBase::diagrams(const DiagramVector & diags) const {
if ( phasespace() ) {
return phasespace()->selectDiagrams(diags);
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::diagrams() expects a MatchboxPhasespace object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return Selector<MEBase::DiagramIndex>();
Selector<const ColourLines *>
MatchboxMEBase::colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->haveColourFlows() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->treeAmplitudes() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->colourGeometries(diag);
Ptr<Tree2toNDiagram>::tcptr tdiag =
assert(diag && processData());
vector<ColourLines*>& flows = processData()->colourFlowMap()[tdiag];
if ( flows.empty() ) {
list<list<list<pair<int,bool> > > > cflows =
for ( list<list<list<pair<int,bool> > > >::const_iterator fit =
cflows.begin(); fit != cflows.end(); ++fit ) {
flows.push_back(new ColourLines(ColourBasis::cfstring(*fit)));
Selector<const ColourLines *> res;
for ( vector<ColourLines*>::const_iterator f = flows.begin();
f != flows.end(); ++f )
return res;
unsigned int MatchboxMEBase::orderInAlphaS() const {
return subProcess().orderInAlphaS;
unsigned int MatchboxMEBase::orderInAlphaEW() const {
return subProcess().orderInAlphaEW;
void MatchboxMEBase::setXComb(tStdXCombPtr xc) {
if ( phasespace() )
if ( scaleChoice() )
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
double MatchboxMEBase::generateIncomingPartons(const double* r1, const double* r2) {
// shamelessly stolen from
Energy2 shmax = lastCuts().sHatMax();
Energy2 shmin = lastCuts().sHatMin();
Energy2 sh = shmin*pow(shmax/shmin, *r1);
double ymax = lastCuts().yHatMax();
double ymin = lastCuts().yHatMin();
double km = log(shmax/shmin);
ymax = min(ymax, log(lastCuts().x1Max()*sqrt(lastS()/sh)));
ymin = max(ymin, -log(lastCuts().x2Max()*sqrt(lastS()/sh)));
double y = ymin + (*r2)*(ymax - ymin);
double x1 = exp(-0.5*log(lastS()/sh) + y);
double x2 = exp(-0.5*log(lastS()/sh) - y);
Lorentz5Momentum P1 = lastParticles().first->momentum();
LorentzMomentum p1 = lightCone((P1.rho() + P1.e())*x1, Energy());
meMomenta()[0] = p1;
Lorentz5Momentum P2 = lastParticles().second->momentum();
LorentzMomentum p2 = lightCone((P2.rho() + P2.e())*x2, Energy());
meMomenta()[1] = p2;
return km*(ymax - ymin);
bool MatchboxMEBase::generateKinematics(const double * r) {
if ( phasespace() ) {
if ( jacobian() == 0.0 )
return false;
if ( nDimAmplitude() > 0 ) {
copy(r + nDimPhasespace(),
r + nDimPhasespace() + nDimAmplitude(),
if ( nDimInsertions() > 0 ) {
copy(r + nDimPhasespace() + nDimAmplitude(),
r + nDimPhasespace() + nDimAmplitude() + nDimInsertions(),
return true;
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::generateKinematics() expects a MatchboxPhasespace object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return false;
int MatchboxMEBase::nDim() const {
if ( lastMatchboxXComb() )
return nDimPhasespace() + nDimAmplitude() + nDimInsertions();
int ampAdd = 0;
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
ampAdd = matchboxAmplitude()->nDimAdditional();
int insertionAdd = 0;
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
insertionAdd = max(insertionAdd,(**v).nDimAdditional());
return nDimBorn() + ampAdd + insertionAdd;
int MatchboxMEBase::nDimBorn() const {
if ( lastMatchboxXComb() )
return nDimPhasespace();
if ( phasespace() ) {
size_t nout = diagrams().front()->partons().size()-2;
int n = phasespace()->nDim(nout);
if ( phasespace()->useMassGenerators() ) {
for ( cPDVector::const_iterator pd =
pd != diagrams().front()->partons().end(); ++pd ) {
if ( processData()->massGenerator(*pd) ||
(**pd).width() != ZERO ) {
return n;
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::nDim() expects a MatchboxPhasespace object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0;
void MatchboxMEBase::setScale() const {
if ( haveX1X2() ) {
Energy2 fscale = factorizationScale()*sqr(factorizationScaleFactor());
Energy2 rscale = renormalizationScale()*sqr(renormalizationScaleFactor());
Energy2 ewrscale = renormalizationScaleQED();
if ( !fixedCouplings() ) {
if ( rscale > lastCuts().scaleMin() )
} else {
if ( !fixedQEDCouplings() ) {
} else {
Energy2 MatchboxMEBase::factorizationScale() const {
if ( scaleChoice() ) {
return scaleChoice()->factorizationScale();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::factorizationScale() expects a MatchboxScaleChoice object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return ZERO;
Energy2 MatchboxMEBase::renormalizationScale() const {
if ( scaleChoice() ) {
return scaleChoice()->renormalizationScale();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::renormalizationScale() expects a MatchboxScaleChoice object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return ZERO;
Energy2 MatchboxMEBase::renormalizationScaleQED() const {
if ( scaleChoice() ) {
return scaleChoice()->renormalizationScaleQED();
return renormalizationScale();
void MatchboxMEBase::setVetoScales(tSubProPtr) const {}
void MatchboxMEBase::getPDFWeight(Energy2 factorizationScale) const {
if ( !mePartonData()[0]->coloured() &&
!mePartonData()[1]->coloured() ) {
double w = 1.;
if ( mePartonData()[0]->coloured() && havePDFWeight1() )
w *= pdf1(factorizationScale);
if ( mePartonData()[1]->coloured() && havePDFWeight2() )
w *= pdf2(factorizationScale);
double MatchboxMEBase::pdf1(Energy2 fscale, double xEx) const {
if ( xEx < 1. && lastX1() >= xEx ) {
( ( 1. - lastX1() ) / ( 1. - xEx ) ) *
fscale == ZERO ? lastScale() : fscale,
return lastXCombPtr()->partonBins().first->pdf()->xfx(lastParticles().first->dataPtr(),
fscale == ZERO ? lastScale() : fscale,
double MatchboxMEBase::pdf2(Energy2 fscale, double xEx) const {
if ( xEx < 1. && lastX2() >= xEx ) {
( ( 1. - lastX2() ) / ( 1. - xEx ) ) *
fscale == ZERO ? lastScale() : fscale,
return lastXCombPtr()->partonBins().second->pdf()->xfx(lastParticles().second->dataPtr(),
fscale == ZERO ? lastScale() : fscale,
double MatchboxMEBase::me2() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->treeAmplitudes() )
return lastME2();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::me2() expects a MatchboxAmplitude object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
double MatchboxMEBase::finalStateSymmetry() const {
if ( symmetryFactor() > 0.0 )
return symmetryFactor();
double sFactor = 1.;
map<long,int> counts;
cPDVector checkData;
cPDVector::iterator p = checkData.begin();
while ( !checkData.empty() ) {
if ( counts.find((**p).id()) != counts.end() ) {
counts[(**p).id()] += 1;
} else {
counts[(**p).id()] = 1;
p = checkData.begin();
for ( map<long,int>::const_iterator c = counts.begin();
c != counts.end(); ++c ) {
if ( c->second == 1 )
if ( c->second == 2 )
sFactor /= 2.;
else if ( c->second == 3 )
sFactor /= 6.;
else if ( c->second == 4 )
sFactor /= 24.;
return symmetryFactor();
double MatchboxMEBase::me2Norm(unsigned int addAlphaS) const {
// assume that we always have incoming
// spin-1/2 or massless spin-1 particles
double fac = 1./4.;
+ if ( hasInitialAverage() )
+ fac = 1.;
if ( orderInAlphaS() > 0 || addAlphaS != 0 )
fac *= pow(lastAlphaS()/SM().alphaS(),double(orderInAlphaS()+addAlphaS));
if ( orderInAlphaEW() > 0 )
fac *= pow(lastAlphaEM()/SM().alphaEM(),double(orderInAlphaEW()));
- if ( mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ||
- mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar )
- fac /= SM().Nc();
- else if ( mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 )
- fac /= (SM().Nc()*SM().Nc()-1.);
+ if ( !hasInitialAverage() ) {
+ if ( mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ||
+ mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar )
+ fac /= SM().Nc();
+ else if ( mePartonData()[0]->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 )
+ fac /= (SM().Nc()*SM().Nc()-1.);
- if ( mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ||
- mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar )
- fac /= SM().Nc();
- else if ( mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 )
- fac /= (SM().Nc()*SM().Nc()-1.);
+ if ( mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ||
+ mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar )
+ fac /= SM().Nc();
+ else if ( mePartonData()[1]->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 )
+ fac /= (SM().Nc()*SM().Nc()-1.);
+ }
- return finalStateSymmetry()*fac;
+ return !hasFinalStateSymmetry() ? finalStateSymmetry()*fac : fac;
CrossSection MatchboxMEBase::dSigHatDR() const {
if ( !lastXCombPtr()->willPassCuts() ) {
return lastMECrossSection();
double xme2 = me2();
if ( xme2 == 0. && !oneLoopNoBorn() ) {
return lastMECrossSection();
double vme2 = 0.;
if ( oneLoop() )
vme2 = oneLoopInterference();
CrossSection res = ZERO;
if ( !oneLoopNoBorn() )
res +=
(sqr(hbarc)/(2.*lastSHat())) *
jacobian()* lastMEPDFWeight() * xme2;
if ( oneLoop() )
res +=
(sqr(hbarc)/(2.*lastSHat())) *
jacobian()* lastMEPDFWeight() * vme2;
if ( !onlyOneLoop() ) {
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
res += (**v).dSigHatDR();
if ( checkPoles() )
double weight = 0.0;
bool applied = false;
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>::const_iterator rw =
theReweights.begin(); rw != theReweights.end(); ++rw ) {
if ( !(**rw).apply() )
weight += (**rw).evaluate();
applied = true;
if ( applied )
res *= weight;
return lastMECrossSection();
double MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopInterference() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->oneLoopAmplitudes() )
return lastME2();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopInterference() expects a MatchboxAmplitude object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram::AccuracyHistogram(double low,
double up,
unsigned int nbins)
: lower(low), upper(up),
sameSign(0), oppositeSign(0), nans(0),
overflow(0), underflow(0) {
double step = (up-low)/nbins;
for ( unsigned int k = 1; k <= nbins; ++k )
bins[lower + k*step] = 0.0;
void MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram::book(double a, double b) {
if ( isnan(a) || isnan(b) ||
isinf(a) || isinf(b) ) {
if ( a*b >= 0. )
if ( a*b < 0. )
double r = 1.;
if ( abs(a) != 0.0 )
r = abs(1.-abs(b/a));
else if ( abs(b) != 0.0 )
r = abs(b);
if ( log(r) < lower || r == 0.0 ) {
if ( log(r) > upper ) {
map<double,double>::iterator bin =
if ( bin == bins.end() )
bin->second += 1.;
void MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram::dump(const std::string& prefix,
const cPDVector& proc) const {
ostringstream fname("");
for ( cPDVector::const_iterator p = proc.begin();
p != proc.end(); ++p )
fname << (**p).PDGName();
ofstream out((prefix+fname.str()+".dat").c_str());
out << "# same sign : " << sameSign << " opposite sign : "
<< oppositeSign << " nans : " << nans
<< " overflow : " << overflow
<< " underflow : " << underflow << "\n";
for ( map<double,double>::const_iterator b = bins.begin();
b != bins.end(); ++b ) {
map<double,double>::const_iterator bp = b; --bp;
if ( b->second != 0. ) {
if ( b != bins.begin() )
out << bp->first;
out << lower;
out << " " << b->first
<< " " << b->second
<< "\n" << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream& os) const {
os << lower << upper << bins
<< sameSign << oppositeSign << nans
<< overflow << underflow;
void MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram::persistentInput(PersistentIStream& is) {
is >> lower >> upper >> bins
>> sameSign >> oppositeSign >> nans
>> overflow >> underflow;
void MatchboxMEBase::logPoles() const {
double res2me = oneLoopDoublePole();
double res1me = oneLoopSinglePole();
double res2i = 0.;
double res1i = 0.;
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
res2i += (**v).oneLoopDoublePole();
res1i += (**v).oneLoopSinglePole();
bool MatchboxMEBase::haveOneLoop() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->haveOneLoop();
return false;
bool MatchboxMEBase::onlyOneLoop() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->onlyOneLoop();
return false;
bool MatchboxMEBase::isDR() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->isDR();
return false;
bool MatchboxMEBase::isCS() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->isCS();
return false;
bool MatchboxMEBase::isBDK() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->isBDK();
return false;
bool MatchboxMEBase::isExpanded() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->isExpanded();
return false;
Energy2 MatchboxMEBase::mu2() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
return matchboxAmplitude()->mu2();
return 0*GeV2;
double MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopDoublePole() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
return 0.;
double MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopSinglePole() const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
return 0.;
MatchboxMEBase::getDipoles(const vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>& dipoles,
const vector<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr>& borns) const {
vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr> res;
// keep track of the dipoles we already did set up
set<pair<pair<pair<int,int>,int>,pair<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr,Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::tptr> > > done;
cPDVector rep = diagrams().front()->partons();
int nreal = rep.size();
// now loop over configs
for ( int emitter = 0; emitter < nreal; ++emitter ) {
for ( int spectator = 0; spectator < nreal; ++spectator ) {
if ( emitter == spectator )
for ( int emission = 2; emission < nreal; ++emission ) {
if ( emission == emitter || emission == spectator )
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr>::const_iterator b =
borns.begin(); b != borns.end(); ++b ) {
if ( (**b).onlyOneLoop() )
for ( vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>::const_iterator d =
dipoles.begin(); d != dipoles.end(); ++d ) {
if ( !rep[emitter]->coloured() ||
!rep[emission]->coloured() ||
!rep[spectator]->coloured() ) {
if ( noDipole(emitter,emission,spectator) ) {
if ( done.find(make_pair(make_pair(make_pair(emitter,emission),spectator),make_pair(*b,*d)))
!= done.end() ) {
if ( !(**d).canHandle(rep,emitter,emission,spectator) ) {
// now get to work
if ( !((**d).empty()) ) {
Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr nDipole = (**d).cloneMe();
if ( nDipole->isSymmetric() )
ostringstream dname;
dname << fullName() << "." << (**b).name() << "."
<< (**d).name() << ".[("
<< emitter << "," << emission << ")," << spectator << "]";
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(nDipole,dname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Dipole " << dname.str() << " already existing.";
for ( vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>::iterator d = res.begin();
d != res.end(); ++d )
return res;
double MatchboxMEBase::colourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij) const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->treeAmplitudes() )
return lastME2();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::colourCorrelatedME2() expects a MatchboxAmplitude object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
double MatchboxMEBase::largeNColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij,
Ptr<ColourBasis>::tptr largeNBasis) const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->treeAmplitudes() )
return lastME2();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::largeNColourCorrelatedME2() expects a MatchboxAmplitude object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
double MatchboxMEBase::spinColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij,
const SpinCorrelationTensor& c) const {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->treeAmplitudes() )
return lastME2();
throw Exception()
<< "MatchboxMEBase::spinColourCorrelatedME2() expects a MatchboxAmplitude object.\n"
<< "Please check your setup." << Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
void MatchboxMEBase::flushCaches() {
if ( matchboxAmplitude() )
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>::iterator r =
reweights().begin(); r != reweights().end(); ++r ) {
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
void MatchboxMEBase::print(ostream& os) const {
os << "--- MatchboxMEBase setup -------------------------------------------------------\n";
os << " '" << name() << "' for subprocess:\n";
os << " ";
for ( PDVector::const_iterator pp = subProcess().legs.begin();
pp != subProcess().legs.end(); ++pp ) {
os << (**pp).PDGName() << " ";
if ( pp == subProcess().legs.begin() + 1 )
os << "-> ";
os << "\n";
os << " including " << (oneLoop() ? "" : "no ") << "virtual corrections";
if ( oneLoopNoBorn() )
os << " without Born contributions";
os << "\n";
if ( oneLoop() && !onlyOneLoop() ) {
os << " using insertion operators\n";
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
os << " '" << (**v).name() << "' with "
<< ((**v).isDR() ? "" : "C") << "DR/";
if ( (**v).isCS() )
os << "CS";
if ( (**v).isBDK() )
os << "BDK";
if ( (**v).isExpanded() )
os << "expanded";
os << " conventions\n";
os << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
os << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::printLastEvent(ostream& os) const {
os << "--- MatchboxMEBase last event information --------------------------------------\n";
os << " for matrix element '" << name() << "'\n";
os << " process considered:\n ";
int in = 0;
for ( cPDVector::const_iterator p = mePartonData().begin();
p != mePartonData().end(); ++p ) {
os << (**p).PDGName() << " ";
if ( ++in == 2 )
os << " -> ";
os << " kinematic environment as set by the XComb " << lastXCombPtr() << ":\n"
<< " sqrt(shat)/GeV = " << sqrt(lastSHat()/GeV2)
<< " x1 = " << lastX1() << " x2 = " << lastX2()
<< " alphaS = " << lastAlphaS() << "\n";
os << " momenta/GeV generated from random numbers\n ";
lastXComb().lastRandomNumbers().end(),ostream_iterator<double>(os," "));
os << ":\n ";
for ( vector<Lorentz5Momentum>::const_iterator p = meMomenta().begin();
p != meMomenta().end(); ++p ) {
os << (*p/GeV) << "\n ";
os << "last cross section/nb calculated was:\n "
<< (lastMECrossSection()/nanobarn) << " (pdf weight " << lastMEPDFWeight() << ")\n";
os << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
os << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::logGenerateKinematics(const double * r) const {
if ( !verbose() )
generator()->log() << "'" << name() << "' generated kinematics\nfrom "
<< nDim() << " random numbers:\n";
copy(r,r+nDim(),ostream_iterator<double>(generator()->log()," "));
generator()->log() << "\n";
generator()->log() << "storing phase space information in XComb "
<< lastXCombPtr() << "\n";
generator()->log() << "generated phase space point (in GeV):\n";
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>::const_iterator pit = meMomenta().begin();
cPDVector::const_iterator dit = mePartonData().begin();
for ( ; pit != meMomenta().end() ; ++pit, ++dit )
generator()->log() << (**dit).PDGName() << " : "
<< (*pit/GeV) << "\n";
generator()->log() << "with x1 = " << lastX1() << " x2 = " << lastX2() << "\n"
<< "and Jacobian = " << jacobian() << " sHat/GeV2 = "
<< (lastSHat()/GeV2) << "\n" << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::logSetScale() const {
if ( !verbose() )
generator()->log() << "'" << name() << "' set scales using XComb " << lastXCombPtr() << ":\n"
<< "scale/GeV2 = " << (scale()/GeV2) << " xi_R = "
<< renormalizationScaleFactor() << " xi_F = "
<< factorizationScaleFactor() << "\n"
<< "alpha_s = " << lastAlphaS() << "\n" << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::logPDFWeight() const {
if ( !verbose() )
generator()->log() << "'" << name() << "' calculated pdf weight = "
<< lastMEPDFWeight() << " from XComb "
<< lastXCombPtr() << "\n"
<< "x1 = " << lastX1() << " (" << (mePartonData()[0]->coloured() ? "" : "not ") << "used) "
<< "x2 = " << lastX2() << " (" << (mePartonData()[1]->coloured() ? "" : "not ") << "used)\n"
<< flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::logME2() const {
if ( !verbose() )
generator()->log() << "'" << name() << "' evaluated me2 using XComb "
<< lastXCombPtr() << "\n"
<< "and phase space point (in GeV):\n";
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>::const_iterator pit = meMomenta().begin();
cPDVector::const_iterator dit = mePartonData().begin();
for ( ; pit != meMomenta().end() ; ++pit, ++dit )
generator()->log() << (**dit).PDGName() << " : "
<< (*pit/GeV) << "\n";
generator()->log() << "with x1 = " << lastX1() << " x2 = " << lastX2() << "\n"
<< "sHat/GeV2 = " << (lastSHat()/GeV2)
<< " me2 = " << lastME2() << "\n" << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::logDSigHatDR() const {
if ( !verbose() )
generator()->log() << "'" << name() << "' evaluated cross section using XComb "
<< lastXCombPtr() << "\n"
<< "Jacobian = " << jacobian() << " sHat/GeV2 = "
<< (lastSHat()/GeV2) << " dsig/nb = "
<< (lastMECrossSection()/nanobarn) << "\n" << flush;
void MatchboxMEBase::cloneDependencies(const std::string& prefix) {
if ( phasespace() ) {
Ptr<MatchboxPhasespace>::ptr myPhasespace = phasespace()->cloneMe();
ostringstream pname;
pname << (prefix == "" ? fullName() : prefix) << "/" << myPhasespace->name();
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(myPhasespace,pname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Phasespace generator " << pname.str() << " already existing.";
theAmplitude = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr>(amplitude());
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr myAmplitude = matchboxAmplitude()->cloneMe();
ostringstream pname;
pname << (prefix == "" ? fullName() : prefix) << "/" << myAmplitude->name();
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(myAmplitude,pname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Amplitude " << pname.str() << " already existing.";
if ( scaleChoice() ) {
Ptr<MatchboxScaleChoice>::ptr myScaleChoice = scaleChoice()->cloneMe();
ostringstream pname;
pname << (prefix == "" ? fullName() : prefix) << "/" << myScaleChoice->name();
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(myScaleChoice,pname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Scale choice " << pname.str() << " already existing.";
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>::iterator rw =
theReweights.begin(); rw != theReweights.end(); ++rw ) {
Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr myReweight = (**rw).cloneMe();
ostringstream pname;
pname << (prefix == "" ? fullName() : prefix) << "/" << (**rw).name();
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(myReweight,pname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Reweight " << pname.str() << " already existing.";
*rw = myReweight;
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr myIOP = (**v).cloneMe();
ostringstream pname;
pname << (prefix == "" ? fullName() : prefix) << "/" << (**v).name();
if ( ! (generator()->preinitRegister(myIOP,pname.str()) ) )
throw InitException() << "Insertion operator " << pname.str() << " already existing.";
*v = myIOP;
void MatchboxMEBase::prepareXComb(MatchboxXCombData& xc) const {
if ( phasespace() ) {
size_t nout = diagrams().front()->partons().size()-2;
if ( matchboxAmplitude() ) {
if ( matchboxAmplitude()->colourBasis() ) {
size_t cdim =
int insertionAdd = 0;
for ( vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>::const_iterator v =
virtuals().begin(); v != virtuals().end(); ++v ) {
insertionAdd = max(insertionAdd,(**v).nDimAdditional());
if ( initVerbose() ) {
string fname = name() + ".diagrams";
ifstream test(fname.c_str());
if ( !test ) {
ofstream out(fname.c_str());
for ( vector<Ptr<DiagramBase>::ptr>::const_iterator d = diagrams().begin();
d != diagrams().end(); ++d ) {
DiagramDrawer::drawDiag(out,dynamic_cast<const Tree2toNDiagram&>(**d));
out << "\n";
StdXCombPtr MatchboxMEBase::makeXComb(Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair & inc,
tEHPtr newEventHandler,tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler,
tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW,
const PBPair & newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams, bool mir,
const PartonPairVec&,
tStdXCombPtr newHead,
tMEPtr newME) {
if ( !newME )
newME = this;
Ptr<MatchboxXComb>::ptr xc =
new_ptr(MatchboxXComb(newMaxEnergy, inc,
newEventHandler, newSubProcessHandler,
newExtractor, newCKKW,
newPartonBins, newCuts, newME,
newDiagrams, mir,
return xc;
StdXCombPtr MatchboxMEBase::makeXComb(tStdXCombPtr newHead,
const PBPair & newPartonBins,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams,
tMEPtr newME) {
if ( !newME )
newME = this;
Ptr<MatchboxXComb>::ptr xc =
new_ptr(MatchboxXComb(newHead, newPartonBins, newME, newDiagrams));
return xc;
void MatchboxMEBase::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << theLastXComb << theFactory << thePhasespace
<< theAmplitude << theScaleChoice << theVirtuals
<< theReweights << theSubprocess << theOneLoop
<< theOneLoopNoBorn
<< epsilonSquarePoleHistograms << epsilonPoleHistograms
<< theOLPProcess;
void MatchboxMEBase::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> theLastXComb >> theFactory >> thePhasespace
>> theAmplitude >> theScaleChoice >> theVirtuals
>> theReweights >> theSubprocess >> theOneLoop
>> theOneLoopNoBorn
>> epsilonSquarePoleHistograms >> epsilonPoleHistograms
>> theOLPProcess;
void MatchboxMEBase::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<MatchboxMEBase> documentation
("MatchboxMEBase is the base class for matrix elements "
"in the context of the matchbox NLO interface.");
IBPtr MatchboxMEBase::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr MatchboxMEBase::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void MatchboxMEBase::doinit() {
if ( !theAmplitude )
theAmplitude = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr>(amplitude());
void MatchboxMEBase::dofinish() {
for ( map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram>::const_iterator
b = epsilonSquarePoleHistograms.begin();
b != epsilonSquarePoleHistograms.end(); ++b ) {
b->second.dump(factory()->poleData() + "epsilonSquarePoles-",b->first);
for ( map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram>::const_iterator
b = epsilonPoleHistograms.begin();
b != epsilonPoleHistograms.end(); ++b ) {
b->second.dump(factory()->poleData() + "epsilonPoles-",b->first);
// *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments
// are correct (the class and its base class), and that the constructor
// arguments are correct (the class name and the name of the dynamically
// loadable library where the class implementation can be found).
describeHerwigMatchboxMEBase("Herwig::MatchboxMEBase", "");
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.h b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.h
@@ -1,957 +1,974 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MatchboxMEBase.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MatchboxMEBase_H
#define HERWIG_MatchboxMEBase_H
// This is the declaration of the MatchboxMEBase class.
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/SpinCorrelationTensor.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/Tree2toNGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/MatchboxScaleChoice.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/ProcessData.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Phasespace/MatchboxPhasespace.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxAmplitude.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxReweightBase.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.fh"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.fh"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/InsertionOperators/MatchboxInsertionOperator.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.fh"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/LastMatchboxXCombInfo.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/MatchboxXComb.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief MatchboxMEBase is the base class for matrix elements
* in the context of the matchbox NLO interface.
* @see \ref MatchboxMEBaseInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MatchboxMEBase.
class MatchboxMEBase:
public MEBase, public LastMatchboxXCombInfo {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~MatchboxMEBase();
* Return the factory which produced this matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tcptr factory() const;
* Set the factory which produced this matrix element
void factory(Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tcptr f);
/** @name Subprocess and diagram information. */
* Return the subprocess.
const Process& subProcess() const { return theSubprocess; }
* Access the subprocess.
Process& subProcess() { return theSubprocess; }
* Return the diagram generator.
Ptr<Tree2toNGenerator>::tptr diagramGenerator() const;
* Return the process data.
Ptr<ProcessData>::tptr processData() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element does not want to
* make use of mirroring processes; in this case all
* possible partonic subprocesses with a fixed assignment
* of incoming particles need to be provided through the diagrams
* added with the add(...) method.
virtual bool noMirror () const { return true; }
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
using MEBase::getDiagrams;
* With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics(...) method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector &) const;
using MEBase::diagrams;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix element
* is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const;
using MEBase::orderInAlphaS;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EM}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given. Returns 0.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const;
using MEBase::orderInAlphaEW;
+ * Return true, if this amplitude already includes averaging over
+ * incoming parton's quantum numbers.
+ */
+ virtual bool hasInitialAverage() const {
+ return matchboxAmplitude() ? matchboxAmplitude()->hasInitialAverage() : false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true, if this amplitude already includes symmetry factors
+ * for identical outgoing particles.
+ */
+ virtual bool hasFinalStateSymmetry() const {
+ return matchboxAmplitude() ? matchboxAmplitude()->hasFinalStateSymmetry() : false;
+ }
+ /**
* Return the number of light flavours, this matrix
* element is calculated for.
virtual unsigned int getNLight() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider
virtual bool isOLPTree() const {
return matchboxAmplitude() ? matchboxAmplitude()->isOLPTree() : false;
* Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider
virtual bool isOLPLoop() const {
return matchboxAmplitude() ? matchboxAmplitude()->isOLPLoop() : false;
* Return the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element
const vector<int>& olpProcess() const { return theOLPProcess; }
* Set the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element
void olpProcess(int pType, int id) {
if ( theOLPProcess.empty() )
theOLPProcess[pType] = id;
/** @name Phasespace generation */
* Return the phase space generator to be used.
Ptr<MatchboxPhasespace>::tptr phasespace() const { return thePhasespace; }
* Set the phase space generator to be used.
void phasespace(Ptr<MatchboxPhasespace>::ptr ps) { thePhasespace = ps; }
* Set the XComb object to be used in the next call to
* generateKinematics() and dSigHatDR().
virtual void setXComb(tStdXCombPtr xc);
* Return true, if the XComb steering this matrix element
* should keep track of the random numbers used to generate
* the last phase space point
virtual bool keepRandomNumbers() const { return true; }
* Generate incoming parton momenta. This default
* implementation performs the standard mapping
* from x1,x2 -> tau,y making 1/tau flat; incoming
* parton momenta are stored in meMomenta()[0,1],
* only massless partons are supported so far;
* return the Jacobian of the mapping
double generateIncomingPartons(const double* r1, const double* r2);
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform random
* numbers in the interval ]0,1[. To help the phase space generator,
* the 'dSigHatDR' should be a smooth function of these numbers,
* although this is not strictly necessary. The return value should
* be true of the generation succeeded. If so the generated momenta
* should be stored in the meMomenta() vector. Derived classes
* must call this method once internal degrees of freedom are setup
* and finally return the result of this method.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* The number of internal degreed of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix
* element for generating a Born phase space point
virtual int nDimBorn() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element will generate momenta for the
* incoming partons itself. The matrix element is required to store
* the incoming parton momenta in meMomenta()[0,1]. No mapping in
* tau and y is performed by the PartonExtractor object, if a
* derived class returns true here. The phase space jacobian is to
* include a factor 1/(x1 x2).
virtual bool haveX1X2() const {
(phasespace() ? phasespace()->haveX1X2() : false) ||
diagrams().front()->partons().size() == 3;
* Return true, if this matrix element expects
* the incoming partons in their center-of-mass system
virtual bool wantCMS() const {
(phasespace() ? phasespace()->wantCMS() : true) &&
diagrams().front()->partons().size() != 3; }
* Return the meMomenta as generated at the last
* phase space point.
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum>& lastMEMomenta() const { return meMomenta(); }
* Access the meMomenta.
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>& lastMEMomenta() { return meMomenta(); }
/** @name Scale choices, couplings and PDFs */
* Set the scale choice object
void scaleChoice(Ptr<MatchboxScaleChoice>::ptr sc) { theScaleChoice = sc; }
* Return the scale choice object
Ptr<MatchboxScaleChoice>::tptr scaleChoice() const { return theScaleChoice; }
* Set scales and alphaS
void setScale() const;
* Return the scale associated with the phase space point provided
* by the last call to setKinematics().
virtual Energy2 scale() const { return lastScale(); }
* Return the renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual Energy2 factorizationScale() const;
* Get the factorization scale factor
virtual double factorizationScaleFactor() const;
* Return the (QCD) renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual Energy2 renormalizationScale() const;
* Get the renormalization scale factor
virtual double renormalizationScaleFactor() const;
* Return the QED renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual Energy2 renormalizationScaleQED() const;
* Set veto scales on the particles at the given
* SubProcess which has been generated using this
* matrix element.
virtual void setVetoScales(tSubProPtr) const;
* Return true, if fixed couplings are used.
bool fixedCouplings() const;
* Return true, if fixed couplings are used.
bool fixedQEDCouplings() const;
* Return the value of \f$\alpha_S\f$ associated with the phase
* space point provided by the last call to setKinematics(). This
* versions returns SM().alphaS(scale()).
virtual double alphaS() const { return lastAlphaS(); }
* Return the value of \f$\alpha_EM\f$ associated with the phase
* space point provided by the last call to setKinematics(). This
* versions returns SM().alphaEM(scale()).
virtual double alphaEM() const { return lastAlphaEM(); }
* Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF
* weight for the first incoming parton itself.
virtual bool havePDFWeight1() const {
return diagrams().front()->partons()[0]->coloured();
* Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF
* weight for the second incoming parton itself.
virtual bool havePDFWeight2() const {
return diagrams().front()->partons()[1]->coloured();
* Set the PDF weight.
void getPDFWeight(Energy2 factorizationScale = ZERO) const;
* Supply the PDF weight for the first incoming parton.
double pdf1(Energy2 factorizationScale = ZERO,
double xEx = 1.) const;
* Supply the PDF weight for the second incoming parton.
double pdf2(Energy2 factorizationScale = ZERO,
double xEx = 1.) const;
/** @name Amplitude information and matrix element evaluation */
* Return the amplitude.
Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::tptr matchboxAmplitude() const { return theAmplitude; }
* Set the amplitude.
void matchboxAmplitude(Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr amp) { theAmplitude = amp; }
* Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the symmetry factor for identical final state particles.
virtual double finalStateSymmetry() const;
* Return the normalizing factor for the matrix element averaged
* over quantum numbers and including running couplings.
double me2Norm(unsigned int addAlphaS = 0) const;
* Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables
* given by the last call to generateKinematics().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const;
/** @name One-loop corrections */
* Return the one-loop/tree interference.
virtual double oneLoopInterference() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element is capable of calculating
* one-loop (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool haveOneLoop() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element only provides
* one-loop (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool onlyOneLoop() const;
* Return true, if one loop corrections have been calculated in
* dimensional reduction. Otherwise conventional dimensional
* regularization is assumed. Note that renormalization is always
* assumed to be MSbar.
virtual bool isDR() const;
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of the integrated dipoles.
virtual bool isCS() const;
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of BDK.
virtual bool isBDK() const;
* Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions
* of everything expanded.
virtual bool isExpanded() const;
* Return the value of the dimensional regularization
* parameter. Note that renormalization scale dependence is fully
* restored in DipoleIOperator.
virtual Energy2 mu2() const;
* If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon^2
virtual double oneLoopDoublePole() const;
* If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon
virtual double oneLoopSinglePole() const;
* Return true, if cancellationn of epsilon poles should be checked.
bool checkPoles() const;
* Simple histogram for accuracy checks
struct AccuracyHistogram {
* The lower bound
double lower;
* The upper bound
double upper;
* The bins, indexed by upper bound.
map<double,double> bins;
* The number of points of same sign
unsigned long sameSign;
* The number of points of opposite sign
unsigned long oppositeSign;
* The number of points being nan or inf
unsigned long nans;
* The overflow
unsigned long overflow;
* The underflow
unsigned long underflow;
* Constructor
AccuracyHistogram(double low = -40.,
double up = 0.,
unsigned int nbins = 80);
* Book two values to be checked for numerical compatibility
void book(double a, double b);
* Write to file.
void dump(const std::string& prefix,
const cPDVector& proc) const;
* Write to persistent ostream
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream&) const;
* Read from persistent istream
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream&);
* Perform the check of epsilon pole cancellation.
void logPoles() const;
* Return the virtual corrections
const vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>& virtuals() const {
return theVirtuals;
* Return the virtual corrections
vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr>& virtuals() {
return theVirtuals;
* Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections
void doOneLoop() { theOneLoop = true; }
* Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections
bool oneLoop() const { return theOneLoop; }
* Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections but
* no Born contributions
void doOneLoopNoBorn() { theOneLoop = true; theOneLoopNoBorn = true; }
* Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections
* but no Born contributions
bool oneLoopNoBorn() const { return theOneLoopNoBorn || onlyOneLoop(); }
/** @name Dipole subtraction */
* If this matrix element is considered a real
* emission matrix element, return all subtraction
* dipoles needed given a set of subtraction terms
* and underlying Born matrix elements to choose
* from.
getDipoles(const vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>&,
const vector<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr>&) const;
* If this matrix element is considered a real emission matrix
* element, but actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing
* diagrams, return true if the given emitter-emission-spectator
* configuration should not be considered when setting up
* subtraction dipoles.
virtual bool noDipole(int,int,int) const { return false; }
* If this matrix element is considered an underlying Born matrix
* element in the context of a subtracted real emission, but
* actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing diagrams,
* return true if the given emitter-spectator configuration
* should not be considered when setting up subtraction dipoles.
virtual bool noDipole(int,int) const { return false; }
* Return the colour correlated matrix element squared with
* respect to the given two partons as appearing in mePartonData(),
* suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double colourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int>) const;
* Return the colour correlated matrix element squared in the
* large-N approximation with respect to the given two partons as
* appearing in mePartonData(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a
* dimension-less number.
virtual double largeNColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij,
Ptr<ColourBasis>::tptr largeNBasis) const;
* Return the colour and spin correlated matrix element squared for
* the gluon indexed by the first argument using the given
* correlation tensor.
virtual double spinColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> emitterSpectator,
const SpinCorrelationTensor& c) const;
/** @name Caching and diagnostic information */
* Inform this matrix element that a new phase space
* point is about to be generated, so all caches should
* be flushed.
virtual void flushCaches();
* Return true, if verbose
bool verbose() const;
* Return true, if verbose
bool initVerbose() const;
* Dump the setup to an ostream
void print(ostream&) const;
* Print debug information on the last event
virtual void printLastEvent(ostream&) const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* generateKinematics
void logGenerateKinematics(const double * r) const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* setting scales
void logSetScale() const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* pdf evaluation
void logPDFWeight() const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* me2 evaluation
void logME2() const;
* Write out diagnostic information
* for dsigdr evaluation
void logDSigHatDR() const;
/** @name Reweight objects */
* Insert a reweight object
void addReweight(Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr rw) { theReweights.push_back(rw); }
* Return the reweights
const vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>& reweights() const { return theReweights; }
* Access the reweights
vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>& reweights() { return theReweights; }
/** @name Methods used to setup MatchboxMEBase objects */
* Return true if this object needs to be initialized before all
* other objects (except those for which this function also returns
* true). This default version always returns false, but subclasses
* may override it to return true.
virtual bool preInitialize() const { return true; }
* Clone this matrix element.
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr cloneMe() const {
return dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr>(clone());
* Clone the dependencies, using a given prefix.
void cloneDependencies(const std::string& prefix = "");
* Prepare an xcomb
void prepareXComb(MatchboxXCombData&) const;
* For the given event generation setup return a xcomb object
* appropriate to this matrix element.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb(Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair & inc,
tEHPtr newEventHandler,tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler,
tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW,
const PBPair & newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams, bool mir,
const PartonPairVec& allPBins,
tStdXCombPtr newHead = tStdXCombPtr(),
tMEPtr newME = tMEPtr());
* For the given event generation setup return a dependent xcomb object
* appropriate to this matrix element.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb(tStdXCombPtr newHead,
const PBPair & newPartonBins,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams,
tMEPtr newME = tMEPtr());
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Finalize this object. Called in the run phase just after a
* run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.
virtual void dofinish();
* The factory which produced this matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tcptr theFactory;
* The phase space generator to be used.
Ptr<MatchboxPhasespace>::ptr thePhasespace;
* The amplitude to be used
Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr theAmplitude;
* The scale choice object
Ptr<MatchboxScaleChoice>::ptr theScaleChoice;
* The virtual corrections.
vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr> theVirtuals;
* A vector of reweight objects the sum of which
* should be applied to reweight this matrix element
vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr> theReweights;
* The subprocess to be considered.
Process theSubprocess;
* True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections
bool theOneLoop;
* True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections
* but no Born contributions
bool theOneLoopNoBorn;
* The process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element
vector<int> theOLPProcess;
* Histograms of epsilon^2 pole cancellation
mutable map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram> epsilonSquarePoleHistograms;
* Histograms of epsilon pole cancellation
mutable map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram> epsilonPoleHistograms;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MatchboxMEBase & operator=(const MatchboxMEBase &);
inline PersistentOStream& operator<<(PersistentOStream& os,
const MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram& h) {
return os;
inline PersistentIStream& operator>>(PersistentIStream& is,
MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogram& h) {
return is;
#endif /* HERWIG_MatchboxMEBase_H */
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Sat, Dec 21, 12:30 PM (1 d, 17 h)
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